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So is this correct?

I read a post on another board that Eden no longer has any rooms. I was there 18 months ago and had two sessions on site, now according to the post you have to take your selections either to a short term hotel or to your room.

So if I come back and chose Som & Lee early in the day as the only customer, do we need to go to a short term hotel or are there rooms at Eden? (Because of my question, I do not care about too many customers, that is a separate problem, here is a hypothetical question).

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:52 pm on July 23, 2004
hi Guys

we still provide EVERYTHING

and yes after almost 5 years with the same price there has been a 500b raise for the long time ( 8hours )
those 500b going 100% to the ladies

see you

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:32 pm on July 23, 2004
Buttman 007
Greetings everyone! I have been an occassional lurker for about a year, always enjoying the entertainment and information that flows through these pages. Thank you to everyone for your posts and thoughts.

I've been to the Eden Club nine times, spread over three different trips to Bangkok in the past year. Much of my desire to go there came from all the reports that I found here. Now I'm a total addict. I can't stop thinking about that place. Whether I'm stressed at work, or bored at home, I sit back and reflect on all my amazing experiences at the Eden Club and I'm instantly in a better mood. It's hard to believe that such a small place on the other side of the planet, 14 time zones away has such a powerful hold on me.

I've experienced about all there is to experience at Eden Club. Two girls, three girls, lots of anal, lots of rimming, facesitting, school girl, butt plugs, strap on's, vibrators...I even pushed three grapes up one girls ass and sucked them out afterward. Pretty perverted, eh? I've done things that would embarrass the devil.

In my humble opinion, the service and professionalism at the Eden Club is a benchmark for other clubs to follow. No matter how perverted the sex, the girls were always totally into it and never made me feel bad. And trust me, I had them doing some pretty questionable stuff. Never once did one of the ladies refuse my requests or act tired or bored.

As far as the quality of ladies, I've seen the Eden Club at it's best and worst. Like any place, you're going to have to filter through a few girls until you find the ones you like. Sometimes I'd leave for an hour or two, have a few beers and come back. The place seems to be constantly busy, so every couple of hours new girls get freed up and others get taken. Then again, I've arrived there for the first time a particular day and was confronted with several girls who were totally sexy and curvy.

Also, if you have particularily perverted or questionable requests, ask Marc beforehand. He's heard it all before, so there's no need to be embarrassed. Plus, he has a computer spread sheet that lists all the girls and the sex acts they're willing to do. It's an awesome reference. With very small exception, no request can be too bizarre, especially after I've visited.

I have only a few suggestions:

One: it would be nice to have the girls photos in some sort of reference book available at the bar, such that a customer can preview that while they have a drink, rather than trying to turn your head 180 degrees away from the bar and making some awkward, fleeting eye contact with one girl, then another, then another. Personally, I'd like to stare at their photos, evaluate their body while I have a beer, rather than trying to make some sort of quick decision while the girls are just lined up staring at me. Plus, it would enable me to see which girls are busy, and if I'd want to wait for them.

Second: it would be nice to be able to hang out in the bar for a bit longer than what is typically allowed. I know it's a small place, but if it's not too crowded, it'd be nice to relax, have a couple of drinks and preview the women for a bit.

Anyway, I just wanted to write a little note to thank Marc for running a totally professional and unique place. For a sex addict like myself, it is a dream cum true. It is the only place in the world where an ordinary guy like myself can have hot, kinky, perverted sex with multiple women for a relatively small price.

I wish to thank Marc for running an top-notch, unique, specialized club, that has given me many wonderful memories. When traveling to Bangkok, if you want guaranteed kinky, perverted, porno sex, Eden Club is your place. Chances are, you'll go back for more.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:09 am on July 24, 2004
Quote:from Buttman 007on 11:09 am on July 24, 2004

...I even pushed three grapes up one girls ass and sucked them out afterward. Pretty perverted, eh? I've done things that would embarrass the devil.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ should be upgraded to a devil yourself. What a vacumn mouth you got. LOL.

But true about your report on Eden. 99% of the reports are pretty positive.

Marc. I need to see you soon.

Cheers !!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 6:31 am on July 24, 2004
dirty guru
3000 good to go takeaway? (if they only knew) count me in still

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:13 am on July 24, 2004
Buttman 007---you wrote
"Second: it would be nice to be able to hang out in the bar for a bit longer than what is typically allowed. I know it's a small place, but if it's not too crowded, it'd be nice to relax, have a couple of drinks and preview the women for a bit."

I agree entirely with you on this point, Marc is a nice enough guy but I always feel I am being pressured into making a choice. The rule seems to be that only one drink is allowed, this puts me off visiting Eden club.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:26 am on July 24, 2004
just drink slower...


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:28 am on July 24, 2004

...I even pushed three grapes up one girls ass and sucked them out afterward.

Excellent! Thank God there is somewhere on the planet where we can be truly, deeply ourselves.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:56 pm on July 24, 2004
Ok, thanks for this reply Marc
I have to be honnest with you, when I saw that there was no sign of this price raising on this thread I thought that maybe my Eden girl has complained to you and told you something like" I wont go again with him if I dont get more money"and so you decided to raise the price for me....
I know that I am asking a lot out of this girl and she allway has been so sweet,nice and funny to me, so this simple thought was making me feel real bad.
Please salute her for me when you get time, I ll see you and her at the end of september.
Personnaly I dont care about a 500 bahts price raising, especially if all the money go to the girls.


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:56 pm on July 24, 2004
Buttman 007
It's good to see that some of you aren't too dismayed by my questionable fruit practices. It's not like I have anything particularily against grapes. Not only are they the ideal size for their new-found, dark adventure, they're plump, cool, and refreshing--the perfect snack while another girl is busy riding my c*ck. Ahh....the simple pleasures of life....

Perhaps one day I'll share my banana story.

Isn't it truly wonderful that there's a place on earth where you can do all the wonderfully absurd, devilishly delicious things your imagination can come up with?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:41 pm on July 24, 2004

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