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MainAnything else? – An Article Almost Sure to Annoy All Topics

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Geez, this lady could have solved her conundrum by doing what my partner in crime did: bf the dart lady!

- Balls

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:26 pm on July 27, 2003
the fact that she isn't as disgusted as she feels she should be, is telling in itself

She's actually making some attempt to be honest, I think - which is a lot more than can be said for many who write this type of article.

But otherwise, it's just the usual tedious re-hash of cliches - no need to come to BKK, she could have written this just as easily in Washington cobbling something together from old clippings. Maybe she did.

I often wonder what female Western journalists think in the GGs when they can see perfectly well that a lot of the clientele are neither bald, nor fat, nor old enough to be their fathers. Does this prompt any mental activity at all, or is it just automatically blanked out as not fitting the script?

Btw, the rJ thing is so damn sexy it just might have made her throw up after all. Bloody sight sexier than the dart shows, anyway.  

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 10:55 pm on July 27, 2003
Vancouver Jay

Quote: from Arcadius on 10:55 am on July 28, 2003[brI often wonder what female Western journalists think in the GGs when they can see perfectly well that a lot of the clientele are neither bald, nor fat, nor old enough to be their fathers. Does this prompt any mental activity at all, or is it just automatically blanked out as not fitting the script?
If there are no obvious shortcomings in the punter while working from Checklist A- Physical Defects (you forgot lazy eye and harelip, by the way) I expect they move to Checklist B- Emotional, Psychological, Moral and Intellectual Faults.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:38 am on July 28, 2003
laura cavender comes from missouri usa.  she went to the university of missouri to study journalism, and graduated some two years before she wrote her salon piece.

she majored in women's studies.  her dream was to have a job with ms magazine, which she describes as "a feminist publication in washington dc".

putting someone like that in a nana bar for a balanced report is just a joke and it shouldn't have got past the editors at salon.

explains why salon itself is bleeding rapidly into bankruptcy.  next they will commission mr joe to write on the virtues of american feminists...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:23 am on July 28, 2003
Well, editors don't want 'balanced reports' on the LOS sex scene.

What they want are either 'shock-horror abuse' stories or 'these pathetic apologies for men exploiting these defenceless young women' stories.

Of course, they're not interested in either abuse or exploitation. The bottom line is that sex sells newspapers and magazines - and in these PC days, sex for any 'reputable' title needs to be wrapped up in a big fat blanket of supposed social concern or gender hostility.

Obviously, the truth is FAR more interesting than these endlessly recycled fictions, but the Western media perceives no market for it. I suspect that the media is wrong, but there you go.    

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:23 am on July 28, 2003
Is there something wrong with me ?
Because I did not find that Article annoying or misleading in any way .
In fact I thought that the writer told it like it was - after all :-
Haven't many of us on this Forum derided the so called sex shows ?
And haven't many of us on this Forum criticised the Old ,Fat , Balding , Obnoxious Farangs who paw girls young enough to be their grand-daughters ?

So , why are we flaming this Laura character - because she is a female and dares to comment on our male playground ?
Give it a rest guys - after all she did :-
- openly admit that she was open to sexual relations with men or women .
- touch on the good points of LOS - i.e. the ever smiling , happy people .
- mention what all of us have spent 4 or 5 long , long Threads on - viz. that Thai girls give us what Western women have forgotten .

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:21 am on July 30, 2003
dirty guru
Times are changing........

Few care......

The men in general are a decade older or more so two.

Balding nah?

Fat....?.....nit noi.

Arcadius makes excellent points......

She might have just scrapped it together....wonder where she is these days?

Arcadius that is.

I recall two years ago a lesbian saw me with a go go girl getting into a taxi with a girl she had been seeing.

Girl said ""sorry he pay my bar....I go him...but see me bar tomorrow I wait you sure""

The lesbian offered me double the money I was going to pay her.

I took it.....

The girl wasn't this dyke might have been sticking it to her big time or she just felt like we do repulsed by fat western c***?

Anyhow I wonder how disgusted woman really feel.

They don't give a f*** about the Thai girls or bother understanding it prevents rape..suicide....and is providing opportunities to girls.

They get pissed off that the western men see them as pigs

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:25 pm on Mar. 26, 2012

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