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MainMoney Matters – Advice on quiet life (living in country)..costs? All Topics

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love, happiness, money =all need to be balanced!

if poor (peasents) are so well off- then why is everyone (governments, and the people) trying to solve their poorness.

if the poor are happy-lets just leave them alone and work on other issues-it would save so much money.entitlement $$$s to the poor are just killing economies around the

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:11 pm on Nov. 7, 2010
China Sailor

Quote: from harold444 on 1:11 pm on Nov. 8, 2010
love, happiness, money =all need to be balanced!

if poor (peasents) are so well off- then why is everyone (governments, and the people) trying to solve their poorness.

if the poor are happy-lets just leave them alone and work on other issues-it would save so much money.entitlement $$$s to the poor are just killing economies around the

After which the music kicks in and the Bollywood dancers start singing a happy song.... get real mate...

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:25 am on Nov. 8, 2010
Entitlement money to the poor aren't killing the economies around the world, corruption is. Of the first bt600million that was sent to the North for the poor during the flooding, 90% of it never made it. It just corruptly disapeared.

Thailand isn't alone in this respect. It happens in every single country in the world, it just goes by different names depending on the country.

Of all the reasons given as to why the economies of the world are failing, corruption is the single biggest cause. The housing market collapse in the USA, that by the trickle down effect affected most countries in the world, was caused by grouping the mortgages into marketable security packages, and to make them enticing to buy, reducing the risk, insurance was sold to those buying the mortgage packages. The only problem was because of how the insurance was set up, and what it was called, there was absolutely no money to cover a claim if your investment went bad, as they all did.

The insurance to cover the failed mortgage security packages did not exist. There was absolutely no money to pay any claim, yet money was payed for the protection in the form of a premium. This money disapeared. That was just a different name for the corruption that existed to get the mortgage securities sold, and that was the leading cause for the collapse of most economies.

Bernie Madoff's few billion in actual rip-offs was peanuts to the mortgage security insurance scam....lolol.

Enron's rip-off was close, but still didn't have the worldwide scale of effect.

The actual leader as to why it all happened was Exon. They told the US Senate that if they did not open up off shore drilling contracts in protected areas off the East coast, and the gulf of Mexico, they would bankrupt the USA. This is on record.

The government did not open up drilling contract sales, so Exon started buying oil futures. Their only loss from doing this was the brokerage fees as they were esentially buying their own oil. Oil prices went up to over $140 a barrel. The excuse was given that China, and India were buying up the oil, but this was all a lie. It was Exon buying their own futures.

The USA, under Bush, started selling the drilling leases, and guess what? The price for a barrel of oil went back down to $80 a barrel. Where were the supposed China, and India buyers?

The big tipoff was the oil cartel that know exactly what the actual consumption of oil is on a weekly basis, and they on 2 different occasions could not explain why the price was so high because there was no change in consumption to explain such a huge jump in price.

That is the biggest example of corruption that has ever taken place in the world, and it brought down the economies of most of the countries the world over, with no concern from Exon at all as to what the consequences would be.

It resulted in jobs lost, companies going bankrupt, the starting factor of the housing market collapse. People lost their jobs and couldn't pay their bills. It changed the world, all because one company wanted to monopolize the last remaining government owned oil reserves. There was no interest on their part on developing the fields, they just didn't want anyone else getting them.

Corruption takes many forms, and is identified by many different names, but it is all still corruption, and the single biggest reason for the poor staying poor, and the economies of the world failing.

One of the best economists there has ever been, Alan Greenspan, was totally dumbfounded that his models in economics failed. He later admitted that he never factored in that people would cheat. In theory all of his policies were sound, but they didn't work because people cheated. Just another word for corruption...lolol.

Every government model that has ever been used has always failed because of corruption, and trying to cheat the system. This is the one factor that is always overlooked, but is the biggest reason for a government's collapse. Socialism, Communism, Democracy, etc. in theory they all are sound, but in every case they don't work because of corruption....lolol.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:22 am on Nov. 8, 2010
i thought the usa crisis was largely caused by govt. policy to encourage poor to buy homes they couldnt afford in the first place.

mortgage bundling was not the cause!it just made things worse.

socialism is based on spending other peoples is not sound. very inefficient system.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:09 am on Nov. 8, 2010
dirty guru
Anyhow, corruption is obviously a part of it all-

I agree "balance" is required which is why I had to come back to Australia for 2.5 years to work-

I only have 6 months to go-

Largely a two and a half year contract running some guys boats for him has netted alot of Baht when its converted-

I think though, the Farmers are far happier and better off than westerners may think-

Sure its not an easy life but its a community and family one and its relatively happier then the radom western one.

My observations are Thailand for a male in the age group of 40 plus is a place that increasingly holds promise for a happier existence-

But getting the balance right is important-

You need an income there- (unless retired)

Thats why we breed pigs and Cows
Have crops and also purchase rice wholesale from Cambodia -

Have a shop - and borrow money for grain-

Even after all that I have to live on about 1000 baht a day-

So your exchanging Lap top joints- and high end pattaya and bangkok stints-

For a quiet life and some fly by at the beach in Samui every 3 months -

But at days end it beats watching the sports and suffering alone

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:47 pm on Nov. 8, 2010

Quote: from harold444 on 12:09 am on Nov. 9, 2010
i thought the usa crisis was largely caused by govt. policy to encourage poor to buy homes they couldnt afford in the first place.

mortgage bundling was not the cause! it just made things worse.
... reasonable to say it is both, as you cite, irresponsible public policy to induce irresponsible behavior, plus corruption.

... the system of bundling sub-prime trash mortgages is a case of really smart, greedy guys, preying on really dumb greedy guys... while what the former did in forming and selling these trash mortgages did conform to the letter of the law, they are ethically corrupt people.

...and while the buyers of these instruments are less guilty than the sellers, I think they are only somewhat less guilty.

... at the end of the day, it is lack of personal values... cultures the world over, East and West, are all suffering a mass decay in their cultural values... while Thais are not alone in this, they are exceptional in how inferior are their cultural values.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:20 pm on Nov. 8, 2010
DG, I love the way you put it... Thanks really!

As a full blown Western, even European, Citoyen (sp?) and rat race participant I know exactly what you are talking about... and started to think about a LOS retirement (not so long ahead)... Thing is that my Citoyen ass knows totally nada about farming and stuff... cattle? Yeah I can eat that... Guess I have to find my own way... Or just live from the funds... in a more or less humble life...

Anyway, I tip my hat to you Sir...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:07 pm on Nov. 9, 2010
i think the message dg is trying to say is you better have a source other than village income if you want to survive.

saying you can live off the land is one thing doing it is another. I dont understand how it can be cheaper to grow ones own rice compared to buying it at tesco.

whats puzzling is dg need to work in aus as his lady seems to earn a lot-per thai standards.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:38 pm on Nov. 9, 2010

Quote: from MickTheKick on 4:07 am on Nov. 10, 2010
Guess I have to find my own way... Or just live from the funds... in a more or less humble life...
... essential to living happily in Thailand is the clear understanding that you do not come here to make money... you must already have money when you get here.

... Thailand is not the place foreigners very easily make money... I know but few who have... even if you do make money here, vigilence is necessary to prevent it from being pilfered.

... Thailand is a nation seething with parasites, and unless you live isolated from the Thais, you will be viewed as a fat juicy host upon whom to latch and feed.

(... otherwise, it's a great place)

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:09 pm on Nov. 9, 2010
dirty guru
Thanks -

Thailand is not the place foreigners very easily make money... I know but few who have... even if you do make money here, vigilence is necessary to prevent it from being pilfered.

... Thailand is a nation seething with parasites, and unless you live isolated from the Thais, you will be viewed as a fat juicy host upon whom to latch and feed.

Unless you have a wife like mine who is such a dragon - its easy to just say "ask she"

She is ruthless in saying no-

Unless they leave rice as a bond on what she loans-

Only very real cases meet charity-

Well the need was more about doing the maths -

I have saved 1.8 million baht taking on the contract-
(back in Australia) by the time I leave this should be 2.4 million baht or higher-

Its just that my supperannution was a while away-

So when I was asked - I accepted-

I have had several visits back-

Thailand does require a look at incomes-

Farming is not neccessarily the only way to go at all-

Just in my Thai family instance it made sense-

Growing rice is their business-
Buying it from Cambodia on Bulk ours-

Piglets and mother all up 14,000 six piglets and mother-

Do that 5 times you have outlayed 70,000 baht and the pigs can be sold when mature and fat at 8,0000 baht each- expect 10% loss on stock.

Mothers all eaten - sold 25 pigs example 200,000 baht its a 200% profit after pig feed is taken into account-

Look farmers know how to make money (not me)

And though a shop would keep most westerners alive if you invested 10,000 USD the income is small-

To live in the north east though or North its easy to rent a house for 5000 a month!

Food is only about the same-

Alcohol etc

Houses can be bought for between 250,000 single half Farang / thai one storey - and 3 million two storey well made 4 bedrooms-

1.5 million gets you a nice 3 bedroom house with half acre block-

Really if you had to exist - it is easy to find a farmers daughter - and fix their existing house- Move out with daughter - rent a shop - and exsit on $12,000 a year-

If you make half that from shop - there you only need $6000-

My wife never shows me the money but feeds me and makes sure she uses the shop to take care of family-

As we all know marry thai marry family-

Trick is be a cheap charlie early and soon they give up-

Keep their farm improving alittle atnd take some profits and your able to survive-

For the record I dont farm-

Just let them do it-

Though I have walked cows and helped at havest-

Why they grow rice is they stock about 30 bags times 90 kilos for their own needs and sale throughtout year-

They get approximately 150 bags each 90 kilos

Each bag fetches 1500 baht so thats about 300,000 baht a year less all the hassel-

Not much but thats all they know-

We recently did Potatoe and made a better profit-

Really if you have western money the country is the place if you want to stretch it-

Going to pattaya is a 5 hour journey and you can sneak in a night there every so often ::

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:10 pm on Nov. 9, 2010

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