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I am posting this thread with the utmost sincerity. I guess I could go to a shrink for several months; and pour out my heart. Several thousand dollars later, he would tell me “you know what to do”. Besides who understands Thai culture better than most of the guys who read the FORUM. So let me start, and respectfully get feedback on what to do:

I have been going to Thailand from the U S for almost twenty years. Like most of you, I am enamored by Thai women. When the Thai flight attendant instructs us “to fasten our seat belts”, I get a hard on. I never frequented prostitutes in any of my business travels. However, Thailand seems to have no restrictions on me. I just do not look at the Thai “club” scene as hookers, prostitute’s or women for hire etc. This may not make sense to people who have never visited Thailand; but I suspect many of you understand this last statement (whether you agree or disagree with it).

During all these years I have met scores of Thai women both in and out of the “BAR” scene. I previously mentioned that I even hired a few, and sent them to school with great results. Many have moved on to their own independent lives in and out of the business community.

In all these years, I NEVER had a stalker. Never had a girl who spied on me because she said, “she loved me”. All the Thai relationships were based on the ‘fact’ that I was a “butterfly”, and that we could remain ‘friends’ for years; but that the relationship would not lead to marriage or even the classic boy/girlfriend relationship. About a year ago, I met a Thai girl (with some of my old friends). She immediately attached herself to me like glue. When I was not looking, she downloaded my phone book. She calls me constantly in and out of Thailand. Sends me curses, when she sees or hears that I am with a Thai girl. She sometimes calls my mobile 100 times and hangs up. (Please note I have changed my Thai and H K mobile numbers; but I cannot for business reasons change my U S mobile). I have tried to reason with her, but she says she cannot get me out of her mind. Her friends think this is funny. They tease her by telling her “I sleep with them and how much I satisfy them”. This makes her go totally off the wall. When she hears that I take a Thai girl with me on a business trip for a couple of days she tracks down the girl. Calls her up and ‘threatens’ her. They of course laugh this off. They think its some joke; but I am concerned that she is reaching a state of instability (if she has not reached it already) that she will actually hurt one of these girls.

I am not a doctor, so I cannot diagnose her. However, I think she is manic-depressive. In her ‘high’ state most of you guys would date her. She is very pretty and really knows how to satisfy a guy. She can put half the Eden girls in her back pocket. However when she gets into her manic state, WOW! In all my five decades on this earth I have never met someone who goes off the deep end to this extent.

Guys! What does one do with a girl like this? Please do not berate me because I even started with her. Please do not question how she got my personal cell, or how I let her stay in my room for ten minutes when I ran out for an errand. I know all that! I need a solution from anyone who has experienced this with Asian (or even Western) women.

Thanks for your help. Awaiting your responses…

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:54 am on Jan. 26, 2009
try changing all your numbers. If u cant change ur US number for business reasons. then try barring the list of numbers which she uses to call u. If she's got your home address, good luck, thou I doubt she'll be crazy enuff to stalk u all the way to the US

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:28 pm on Jan. 26, 2009
On most phones, you can assign a ringtone to a specific caller. In her case just assign a silent tone to her number so that you are not disturbed. Ignoring her and severing all contact with her is possibly the best thing. And for the sake of her friends tell them not to tell her of your outings with them. Someone needs to invent a feature to redirect phone calls from a specific number, that would be great as I would just redirect that caller to the time service or something similar.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:41 pm on Jan. 26, 2009

Quote: from bkkz on 3:41 am on Jan. 27, 2009

Someone needs to invent a feature to redirect phone calls from a specific number, that would be great as I would just redirect that caller to the time service or something similar.
Nokia phones used to have that feature. *very* handy.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 3:01 pm on Jan. 26, 2009

Quote: from Pegasus1 on 11:54 pm on Jan. 26, 2009

Isn't this the same girl you wrote about once before, who you set up up with a gig in HK, and who was pursuing you in a similar manner, or is this a different one?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:07 pm on Jan. 26, 2009
Daffy, which model? Do you remember?

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:20 pm on Jan. 26, 2009
P1,if your exgf is indeed suffering from bipolar disorder she needs psychiatric treatment but, unless she admits to herself that she has a mental problem,she is unlikely to seek treatment.Without treatment there may well be no solution to your problem.

I suggest you consult a Thai psychiatrist who speaks English,and obtain his expert advice as to what can be done with/without her having treatment, if indeed he concludes she probably is suffering from a mental illness.

Unless you first determine what is her likely mental state,it is probable any action you take will be inappropriate,and unsuccessful.

For example it may be that the more you try to cut off all avenues of contact the more extreme and irrational her behaviour will become.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:45 pm on Jan. 26, 2009
Which company provides your US Mobile service? Major ones are Verizon, Sprint, AT&T and T-Mobile.

Each one of them provides some version of "call blocking" or "call rejection".

Call your mobile carrier and find out what your options are to block the number that she is calling from. Of course, she could change the number that she calls from. An alternative better than "blocking" would be just to ring forever (so she doesn't know that her number is blocked), but I don't know that anyone provides this.

Better solution, as others here have pointed out, are to figure out a way to sever all contact with her and/or get her help to overcome her obsessive behavior.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:59 pm on Jan. 26, 2009

Yes! This is the same girl. I did not set her up in HK; I just "directed" her to the venues were the Thai girls worked. She actually was quite good, but had to come back to BKK after one month. I understand she had many fights with the girls there. It seems that many "customers" took her over the locals, and they constantly fought. I was hoping she would stay in HK.

For awhile things were quiet, and then she just reappeared. It has been a 'living hell'. I tried blocking her calls, but she just gets a new sim card with a new number. I think that talking this over with a Thai English speaking doctor is an excellent idea. I can take care of myself, but would never forgive myself if she harmed one of my friends.

Again I must point out that this has never happened to me before in Thailand. I keep beating up myself that it’s my fault that I led her on. But, all the old girlfriends I have, say that it is not my fault, that I acted with her in the same manner as all the Thai women, and that only this girl reacted accordingly.

What I find frightening is that the Thai girls are 'amused' by this. They don’t worry... but I do

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:27 pm on Jan. 26, 2009
Call blocking won’t work long term. The bird is off her perch and will simply change where see calls from, so you will continually be chasing after her. The best cell phone solution, if you just cannot swallow a change of the number, is to assign the number(s) she uses to call you on silent. She will still likely continue to change the number she calls from, but it will probably be longer between changes. As she will probably think that she is getting to you at least a bit by calling and you having to listen to the phone ring.

Long term IMHO you have two options -

One is to stop putting yourself in positions where she has a chance to confront you or the people you will be hanging around. Yes, this will require YOU to change the venues where you spend your time in Thailand, and to some extent the people you spend your time with. Anytime she has a chance to get any kind of feedback either from you or those that have been around you it just feeds her hunger. You need to find a way to completely cut contact – and this will require sacrifice on your part.

The second option is to do it a more Thai/violent way. Depending on the places that you frequent and the amount of coin you drop, one of those establishments may be willing to handle this bit for you. Let them know she is pissing you off, and that you will stop coming to their establishment if she continues to be a problem. If they won’t handle it for you then they will be able to put you in contact with someone that will handle it for you.

So in summary you need to remove her from your life – you can do this by changing who/where you hangout, or by having her removed from who/where you hangout – up to you.

You can go down the "consult" a Thai doctor rout if you want, but IMHO that will be a dead end. You cannot have interactions with this bird. If you want to try and help her get help then you need to find someone that will help get her to a doctor - and she cannot know that you are invovled in any fashion.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:45 pm on Jan. 26, 2009

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