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MainElsewhere in Thailand – Hat Yai! Part Two All Topics

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So I was at the new Berlinear Massage Parlor and this one is different than others I have been at. The girls are sitting around on couches and rather than a pretense of massage its just an hour of sex. I like that as it cuts to the quick, and thats what I like, quick. Whitey doesn't often shop here so the ladies were baffelled about me. Many people are so I give them the benifit of the doubt. Because this is a new set up I ask the lady in charge how it works. She walks me over to the middle of the room and tells me of the pricing structure. As she is doing this a women asks here (I'm assuming here) about the size of my privates. Then the lady explaning things to me starts rubbing my privates through my shorts and tells the women of her findings. But I digress, that happened in Batam, Indonesia, where I was a week ago, but I couldn't figure out how to the work that story into the Hat Yai story. So I will do it this way:

I was over in Batam, Indonesia after a brief uneventful visit to South Sumatra, and I was banging a chick in a pretty filthy massage parlor, the New Berlinear, and except for the price, R/150000 the whole thing was rather mundane. After I had ejaculated I thought to myself that there must be something better than this, I and came to the conclusion there is. I went to Singapore and booked a Tiger air ticket to Hat Yai, and I flew to Hat Yai, because I know there is something better there.

On this trip I have been working on 'building relationships'. I've made a couple friends that I think may be friends for life, and a few that should be good for several years. Also in the building relationships area are the realationships with prostitutes. They are people too, and some are very nice people, they just happen to be prostitutes. In this regard there are two prostitutes in Hat Yai that I have been texting occasionally. Just simple texts like where I am and I hope thy are fine. So I get to Hat Yai and I send a text to the girl from Burma that I met here back in December at a massage establishment. I ask her where she is and that I would like to see her. She texts back that she isn't working and would like to meet me. I suggest my hotel. She doesn't know where it is. She suggests a well know establishment that I know also and we will meet there.

I actually just wanted her to be working so I could just go and bang her there or second she comes to my hotel and I bang her there. I now have a date with a girl I met for 1.5 hours 3 months ago. As the date isn't until 7:30 I go to the massage parlor she works at and bang a chick from Chiang Mai, its good! I return to the hotel to clean up and then go to the meeting point and wait. She calls and asks where I am. I am waiting for you. She shows up and doesn't recognize me which is understandable as we spend 1.5 hours together 3 months ago. I also did not recognize her so we were even.

We hang out and chat at this place for a while. Her English is OK, and she is a very pleasant person. From here we go to another location and chat and then we go to play pool and chat then we call it an evening, as I am beat. We shake hands goodnight and I go into my hotel and she goes home (assumption). It was a good evening in which I date a proper Thai girl, even though she is also a prostitute and from Burma. And I really wanted to bang her but as the night went on even suggesting such a thing seemed so wrong, its all rather odd as I have banged her in the past and she was wonderful. I kissed her in the past and shook her hand goodnight today, as anything else would have seemed wrong. We plan on meeting the following day to check something out.

The next day I don't here from her which is fine. In the afternoon I text her to see if she is working. She is! She invites me to visit her at work. I mull it over. Its kind of odd now as I have had a date with her and it was all very prim and proper, and now I am to go to the massage parlor and bathe with her and then bang her. I would have, except: In the morning I got a text from another prostitute that I have kept contact with, she is to come to the hotel in the evening. I text the Burmese girl back that I want to take a bath with her, and might come over but I don't know. I end up not. I bang the other girl at the hotel, this is the 4th time together with her now and it has never been all that great, but she seems pretty persistant with the calls and texts and she has a perfect body, and nice personality if a bit mercenary.

I rest for a day. There isn't much to see in Hat Yai and I am working on this idea of passing time in places like this. I am working out a routine that I can use every day for months if necessary that keeps me occupied and allows me not to have to think what to do next, as its a set routine. It seems to work today. I go to bed early as I'm so tired.

The next day my routine takes me back to the massage place where I banged the girl for 900 baht the last time. To save you from reading the other report this girl doesn't speak Thai and is probably 18 years old as she is working at this place. When I banged her she kept her hand on her face and look to the side probably imagining he mountain side village in southern china where she was living until being trafficed here. The experience was so different that I am drawn back here today.

I don't notice the girl in the fishbowl so I pick the girl in red. As it turns out it is the same girl. This time the price is down to 700 baht from 900 baht the first visit. I was here a month ago and in that time she has fancied herself up a bit, yet still had a pleasant peasant village girl charm to her. It is once again very similar to the last time as she is very shy for a prostitute. The turkish bath is actually a turkish shower and is quick. We retire to the massage platform where slowly towels are removed and erections inserted and joy is beholded. She is getting better as she is not covering her face but it is still wonderfully fresh and exhilerating. I finish and we clean up and I am in love.

That brings this story up to the present! I'm in Hat Yai now and I will be down here for the next while and will continue to update this story as it progresses. Its the weekend now and the Malaysians are out tonight in numbers buying cashew nuts, its just wonderful here. Everyday I get a call from the one girl asking if I want her but I like to mix things up. Like tonight is Manchester United v. Arsnenal. I'll probably visit some other places when I'm down here as its so nice. If you're down here send me a pm and if I see it we can have a pork chop at the Swan or something. They have great prok chops.

Finally for the above, sorry about the spelling but I had to use an internet cafe and its not set up like my netbook.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:10 am on Mar. 12, 2011
B5H, great report. Had me laughing out loud at times. I have to visit Hat Yai one of these days.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 10:46 am on Mar. 12, 2011
Great FR!

BobFiveHead, I have been in LOS since end of January. I am conducting a little experiment of my own on this trip. The Exofficio shagging underwear experiment. I can only sleep with women when wearing Exofficio shagging underwear. I never wash my Exofficio shagging underwear. Immediately after having sex, whilst my genitalia is oozing in her juices and my love honey I put my Exofficio shagging underwear back on to absorb the juices and scent of our passion, snuggling ever so closely to capture the sensory essence of the occasion.

My Exofficio shagging underwear has become sensory souvenir of fragrance and a visual collage of Rhorshock like splats of my love escapades. There are a several stains which menstruation fluids are present. These are vivid in appearance and have a uniquely strong aroma; some of these are my favorites.

My Exofficio shagging underwear has caused some problems though, none of the girls in the Thermae would go with me because of all the love scent emitting from my Exofficio shagging underwear. Once I explained the issue, the Thermae girls said, they were into bukkake sex with Japanese guys.

Some of the fluid stains are rather thick and crusty. I discovered that these crusty flakes are like pussy jerky allowing me to re-experience the taste of cunnilingus of past sexual encounters. I have started numbering the stains so I can cross reference with my photographs of the event.

When I am back home and alone in my room in Farangland, I can relive the taste, smell, stains and photographs of my encounters with Thai prostitutes. With each succeeding trip, I will build a trophy case full of Exofficio Shagging Shorts, of my sensory souvenir of encounters with Thai prostitutes.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:31 pm on Mar. 12, 2011


Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 12:45 pm on Mar. 13, 2011
The train station at Hat Yai is not called Hat Yai, it is called Hat Yai Junction. This is because there are lines going in four different directions from here. So I decide to go somewhere. I walk over to the train station where I meet a Japanese guy. He asks me about something and we start chatting. His story is that he was headed to Nong Khai and was at the train station in Bangkok and was going to catch a train there. And somehow he met a girl at that exact moment and ended up getting a ticket to Hat Yai and has now been here for a month. Hat Yai is nice, but a month here. That is dedication.

The one thing the Japanese guy mentions is that the girl he met is 'wonderful' or 'special' or something like that, and that is what is keeping him here. I counter with the fact that there are 10 million other special Thai girls, and that if you go to Indonesia there are 30 million special girls. In fact, if you are some single guy reading this and have some special feeling towards Thai chicks, go to South Sumatra and check out those girls, they are absolutely wonderful. have you been to Palembang before? I have! Just incredible, and the girls are very friendly. I've never read the Indonesian version of Stickman so I don't know all there is to know of the girls there but if I was looking for marriage material I'd be there rather than Pattaya. But I digress.

I garner enough information at the train station to make a determination on where to go. As it turns out its a place that I have already visited on this trip, Sungai Kolok. I based my decision on the fact that there are prostitutes there and its a short walk from the train station to the hotel.

The ticket to Sungai Kolok is 42 baht and the ride takes about 4 hours. Its all third class cars but the seats are padded so its not comfortable but not uncomfortable either. 4 hours turns out to be a long time. SOme plant is flowering down here and there is all this shit flying around from it in the car. It rains. Its hard to listen to the iPod due to train noise, but, every girl that sits across from me is good looking, and that makes up for a lot. The further south the more Muslim it becomes and the more Muslim it becomes the more militarized it becomes. Its still pleasant down here however, and Sungai Kolok is fine for a city so close to Malaysia.

I check into a hotel, sleep a bit then go to the 7/11. As I am crossing a street a kid asks where I am going. I tell him. It turns out he is guiding two white ladies both from the US. I chat with them. They are educators that are working in Malaysia and came here because they have never been here before. There is nothing here but prostitution I tell them just as 4 prostitutes exit the hotel we are standing in front of (the Merlin). They were told that there is shopping here which I guess there is but its not like there is a mall or anything. After a bit the older lady asks what I am doing here. Oh, I'm here for the shopping. I go off the the 7/11.

The train ride has given me a headache and I don't feel like banging a prostitute tonight. I do walk by part of the zone and chat with the girl that I should have banged a month ago. She says I should take her friend. The friend looks nice but does not appear to be a traditional girl rather she seems to be a modern girl. The girl sitting next to her seems completely traditional and cute, but I have a head ache. I tell them I will see them tomorrow. I return to my hotel.

At the hotel I remove my merino wool socks from the Smart Wool clothing company. They feel so comfortable even in the tropics. I remove my ex-officio underwear and take a shower. The water feels good on my taunt, tanned, naked body. I dry myself and go to bed.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:33 am on Mar. 14, 2011
If you, the reader, have availed yourself to reading the past entries in this field report you make recall that a bit ago I had a date with a girl. And if you remember it was a girl that I had banged as I met her at a soapy here in Hat Yai. And if you recall, the date was very old school Thai even though the girl is from Burma, or for you younger people, Myanmar. On the date I shook hands good night, that’s how old school it was. But you know people have to eat, and in order to eat people have to work. And thus my dating opportunities with this young lady are limited as she is now working full time. Thus when I sms her after my return from the Deep South I get the reply that she is at work. This is good as she works at a soapy. Could you name a better place for a girl that you like to work? Well maybe a chocolate factory or a golf course, but here in Hat Yai a soapy works for me. I sms her back that I will visit her at work.

It’s kind of an odd situation though as I thought we had a real nice date. We sort of didn’t do anything but it was pleasant and it ended with a hand shake. And because it was pleasant I begin to think differently about her, not like a girlfriend, but sort of like we now have this commonality between us. And in this line of thinking it doesn’t bother me at all that she is banging other guys for a living but I now feel kind of like I should not be going to her place of employment to bang her after we had a pleasant date. I think that I relationship should grow organically from the point of our first date. I think way too much, especially for someone in Thailand.

After much hesitation and putting off I finally make it to her place of employment. As I enter I confirm that they (the girls) can see through the glass as she gets up right when I walk in. I pay and we go upstairs. And it’s real nice. Everything goes at a slower pace than normal and we just sort of hang out and chat about things. It’s as if she feels our commonality also, not just me. We then take off our cloths and take a bath together. Then she blows me and we f***. And the whole thing was absolutely wonderful.
I was on the train from Sungai Kolok to Hat Yai a couple days ago. The train is a local one, and its all third class and I am the foreigner on it. Nobody wants to sit by the foreigner. Every seat is taken and still no one wants to sit near me. I showered this morning! Sure I’m sweating now, but I walked 4 short blocks to the station and am now sitting in a hot humid train car with no air movement at all as we are still the station. Maybe you too have experienced this phenomena that I am now experiencing. When the train leaves I have four seats to myself. A couple stations later a girl sits down in one of the seats opposite me. She is a Muslim girl in the head scarf and is very good looking. Except for a head nod and smile I don’t really do or say anything to her as the head scarf is a look that I really like but it sort of makes me think of the girls like they are nuns or saints or something. So the ride is pleasant and I now have some eye candy to leer at.

Several stations later six of her friends get on the train. This works out good as where there were two of us sitting in four seats there are now six and sometimes seven of us sitting in four seats. I still don’t speak, but there are more glances at me as I am very odd to be on this train and now I am surrounded by Muslim girls. They all appear to be very pleasant and all are either cute or good looking. After a while we begin speaking.

They turn out to be high school students and they are all 18 years old. They are going to something at a University in Songakla for two days. They are all really nice kids. The English is a bit problematic for them but we do OK. They give me some of their snacks and even those little bird eggs which turned out to be tasty. And my favorite girl, the one that first got on the train even occasional accidentally touched my bare leg with her naked hand and it was nice. I mention that as about a month ago I was in Kuala Dungan a city on the east coast of Malaysia. I went to a 7/11 store there and entered right behind a Muslim girl. When I grabbed the door my hand accidentally touched hers and the look on her face was one of terror. But this is Thailand and everything is cool. It was also good as I was able to see up close what 18 year olds looks like. I’m kind of interested in that as I’m wondering about the age of a girl that I plan on banging once I get to Hat Yai in a few hours. By looking at these girls I am able to determine that the girl at the low end massage place is over 18. I think. The ride turns out to be pleasant because of the Muslim girls, without them it really would have sucked.

I get to Hat Yai, check in, clean up, and go to the low end massage place and get the same girl that I have banged two times now. I pay my 700 baht and we go back for the Turkish shower. I carefully observe here and compare her potential age with that of the Muslim girls. It is a tricky procedure but I feel comfortable in what I am about to do. As this is my third time with her I notice a slightly higher level of service which I can attribute either to myself and the kind person that I am or the fact that she’s banging four guys every day and just getting better. It’s a fun and enjoyable experience and I leave satisfied.

I didn’t really leave Sungai Kolok satisfied. As you may recall I had a headache the first night there and tended to that rather than my ‘urges’. The second night I managed to pick a girl that provided a lackluster evening for me. I feel kind of bad as I thought that the fact that she was not really that good looking would somehow mean that she would be a better service provider, which turns out to be a fallacy. But being down in Sungai Kolok is a nice thing just in itself. With the mixtures of the peoples there its an interesting place to visit, and then add all the whores and the way that all goes on, it’s a wonderful place to visit. I just need to pick a better prostitute the next time.

It is my last full day in Hat Yai. As I am in love with the girl that I have a commonality with I send her a text to see if she is working and if not that we should go to lunch. I hear nothing back and go about my touristic duties. Being a tourist in Hat Yai brings the concept of tourism down to its most basic level. For instance the main goal for today is to walk down a 6 block section of Phet Kasem Road that I have yet to walk on. I do this, have lunch, rest, and try to figure out what to do now. I go out and look out for a new massage place.

As I begin this endeavor I get a sms from the girl that she should finish early today. I’m Happy. I then get a sms from the booking girl that I have done five times thus far. It’s tough as I like her, she has a perfect body and looks nice, but the service has plateaued with our first encounter. Sadly, I text her back that I cannot make it.

As it turns out, the girl that was going to finish early didn’t and my night is a bust. I spend it alone, although I do rub myself vigorously while watching Fashion TV which helps take the edge off. I wake up early the next morning and fly off to Bangkok.

The end.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:23 am on Mar. 19, 2011
Nice ones again B5H, thanks. Muslim girls on a train. Hmmm.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:19 am on Mar. 19, 2011

I'm an old man now and my life is about over. And now that I have reached this point I think back of things that I would have like to have done for whatever reason. Two of the past six months I've spent in Indonesia and then add another month in there for Malaysia and Southern Thailand. After the experience of visiting these places if I had my youth to do over I would marry a Muslim girl from either S. Thailand or S. Sumatra, and a Muslim girl that wears a head scarf as I absolutely love that look. Sure this is a nightlife related forum and everyone loves the Thai prostitute here, me included, but as far as just simply wonderful Thai girls go, pay a visit to Narathiwat, its just wonderful down there. Or even better, go to Palembang, Indonesia, just amazing there also.

Thats about it,


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:34 am on Mar. 19, 2011
Buttman 007
A few years ago, I posted a very critical response to you, Bob. I completely misread your humor and style.

I think of all the strange and obnoxious things I've posted on this forum, I regret that criticism of you the most.

Ever since, I've thoroughly enjoyed your reports and stories. They're very down-to-earth, very informative, humorous and slightly eccentric - all of which makes for some great reading. You truly do seem like a guy enjoying life just wondering around these bizarre corners of Asia and having a blast. I'm actually quite envious of you.

I offer my humble apologies, and wish you the best.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:01 am on Mar. 21, 2011
Nice one BM. And I completely agree with you, B5H is a rare and eccentric talent, with a great deal of humor on display.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:21 am on Mar. 21, 2011

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