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a cheerleader, I'd pay 1000bt for that

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:58 pm on Feb. 22, 2008

Nope, she's not here yet, will be here Tuesday morning. She's getting pretty excited, went to Pratunam and got a good deal on a large suitcase, which is now filled with some coats and long sleeved shirts from MBK. And part of her shoe collection, lol.

I will take under serious consideration Jack Attack's Hispanic maid idea, provided she wears one of those skimpy maid outfits and bends waaaay over when she's dusting. In the meantime, I'll have to make do, lol.

Will be taking my camera to the airport to get some pics of her coming out of customs. Fun to look back on those pics in times to come. I actually have a photo of her sitting next to me 5 minutes after we first met six years ago. My partner in crime was prescient enough to snap it, funny she turned out to be the lady I ended up getting serious with -- I broke every rule and fell in love with the first TG I shacked with my first night in Thailand. So it is indeed a curious world.

My TGF is currently holed up in an "undisclosed" hotel, figured it would help her to get rested before the long sojourn. Her cousin, who helped her check in yesterday, surveilled the punter pool and muttered to her when they checked in, "You know, I think we can make money here!"

I talked to her by phone just a few minutes ago, she sounded well rested (and any punters in the bedroom had the good sense to keep quiet, lol), and looking forward to the flight.

I'll post my and her first impressions on this thread later next week.

- Balls

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:21 pm on Feb. 22, 2008
balls, great sense of humor, the best of luck to you and the mrs !!!!!!!!!!!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:10 pm on Feb. 22, 2008
Frank La Rue
pls write an FR about tue arrival. I never did in my case, but probably should have done as I got the date wrong, you know dept date and arrival date being not the same, so I was plnnign to go to the airport at midnite on a saturday. HOwever, she arrived on Friday........


All us softies who have teamed up with a TG seem to frequent this thread so let me take the opportunity suggestin that you go to Z forum.
There is a thread there, which is the ultimate thread of domsetication - "Thai/Farang childrens Stuffed Pets Names"
This thread is started by the undersigned and may loom as the ultimate nail in the monger's coffin, but it actually might come in quite handy as a reference guide.
So far there are only the names of 2 stuffed animals in one posting (the 1st) by me.
This post is a little pearl in anotherwise macho forum.
Go and contribute. You'll all feel good afterwords.

Why this thread has gone ignored I do not know, other than that as usual with most of my threads, it is BORING.
But the intention is sweet.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:10 pm on Feb. 22, 2008
i'm sure the intention is good but I hope you keep everything right here where it all started, to much effort to scan the z

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:47 am on Feb. 25, 2008
Dont forget the "Thai girls in Farangland" thread under Members Lounge here on the main..some funny stuff there....

damn balls....24 hours and counting!

all the best,

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:52 am on Feb. 25, 2008
Came up long enough for air after DATY to scribble this FR from Amerika. Legs and fingers a bit shaky, but I will persevere...

TGF arrived safe and sound last Tuesday morning. She was tired and had dark circles under eyes. But got through customs at SFO with minimal hassle. Apparently the lady who asked her for the customs declaration card was a bit rude, so my TGF just smiled and said, "I sorry, I no understand what I do with this card." The lady kicked her back to a counter where a uniformed person (maybe one of the customs cops with the dogs?) gave her a kindly smile and filled it out for her, then pointed her to a different agent (with a better attitude) who took it.

Next step was the visa stamp, where she surrendered her info package. In my TGF words: "He look, look, look my papers, then go back, look again. He ask me, "You do fiance visa?' I smile, say 'Yes!' He smile back, then sing a song, I think old style Chinese song, and look my papers again. Then he smile and say 'Welcome to America' and give me passport back and keep papers."

After which she met me in the waiting area. She walked up and hugged me, we were both a little stunned, not really sure what to do. My partner in crime, who had escorted her over on the plane, interrupted our stupor and suggested we head down the hall, as he had to take the Mother of All Leaks at the bathroom. So off we went.

The drive south from SFO was along the scenic Hwy 280. She commented that America was not what she expected, all the houses and buildings where just single and double story. I explained that was because we have a lot of land here, so things are spread out.

She did well the first day, we grabbed a local hotel that night and had an interesting romp before we both fell asleep.

Next day was a plane flight to the snowy mountain redoubt where I currently work. She was impressed by the snow and a bit shell-shocked by the cold. But her comment: "This place is very beautiful!"

We got to my apartment, where I gave her the cook's tour. She said the place was bigger than she expected from the photos I'd sent her, and from what she'd seen over Skype.

Next couple of days included some interesting little bits: figuring out how the shower water diverter worked, how the peizo-electric starter worked on the stovetop range, and my favorite, reminding her that the toilet paper goes down the toilet not into the trash ("You mean you put in toilet in America?" "Yes, honeyja, pipe is bigger here and we have more water, so you can put down toilet!" ).

She's adjusting well to the half day jetlag. We've been shopping for winter stuff, so she's now sporting gloves, a hat, warm boots, etc. Her comment: "You know I scared about cold, but okay now, I not scared because I know I can go inside to get warm again."

A neat surprise was last Thursday night. It was the first night she was able to stay awake for dinner, so I took her to a local Thai restaurant. She didn't know how to order from the young farang waiter what she wanted, as she didn't know the English for the dishes. He smiled, and asked her in perfect Thai what she wanted. That stunned us both. I could see the relief and smile replace the apprehension on her face as she ordered in Thai. Later in the meal the Thai owner came out to say hello and ask her in Thai how the food was. A nice welcome for her, it made the whole scary idea of heading out into public here for the first time a fun experience.

We had a funny experience on the way back from the shoe store yesterday afternoon. I asked her what she wanted for lunch, she said, "I want ham-bug-GERH!" So off to a local gourmet hamburger shop we went. I had her grab a seat while I ordered a bacon burger for her and a jalapeno burger for me. It was really noisy in there, and it didn't occur to me why until I sat down with her and looked around. We were about the only Americans in the joint, it was packed to the gills with Japanese tourists, some of whom were gorgeous young lasses. My TGF pointed out the latest Japanese "lady fashion" which are these impossibly short, short shorts. I really liked that. She said, "You know, some Thai ladies doing like that in Bangkok now." To which I replied, "Oh my god, honeyja, what are we doing in Amerika?" We both laughed about that.

I woke up this morning to her cooking breakfast while I shaved. Managed to stop her in time before she put peanut butter on my cottage cheese ("Mai chai, honeyja, I mean peanuts, tee nee, not peanut butter!")

And came home tonight to a bedroom with all my laundered clothes folded.

Not so bad for the first week.

- Balls

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:58 pm on Mar. 3, 2008
They learn very quickly. Enjoy the time together.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:00 am on Mar. 4, 2008
Really fantastic!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:16 am on Mar. 4, 2008

excellent my week today huh???

"I want ham-bug-GERH!"

After 2 1/2 years mrs atl still calls the fast food joint "Bug-a-king" 5555!

I take it you are out west near Colorado/Nevada/Utah as its pretty warm elsewhere...but yes the snow was a definite "wow" factor for mine and I think mrs. LS too.

might I suggest when it gets warmer to take her on a thats funny.."tilac, ride steal my heart outside my body!" was mrs atl's words...

enjoy man, you only live one time and you are in for a cool experience...and epc is correct they will catch on fast....


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:25 am on Mar. 4, 2008

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