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MainMisc - Girls – Thai woman/western...whose more deluded? All Topics

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dirty guru
I thought I would kick this topic around -

Which female population is most deluded ?

Thai or western?

To get the ball rolling I will share my thoughts that prompted the thread-

Several of my wifes friends arrived in shorts and little tank tops to do a 60 minute work out together that consists of dancing to some zumba style video - but they use thai music-

I was sent packing to the snooker hall with son who is now 17 and thinking pussy (though maybe not 30 plus)

""Go have a beer darling and be back in 90 minutes for dinner"

This in itself struck me as somewhat odd -

And not just that all woman present were slightly built and all under 50 kilos and very f***able-

All thought themselves over weight-

A recent survey showed that American woman were most pleased with their figure, while Japanese woman ranked least happy-

The survey also showed Japanese woman were in the best 19% for correct body mass index, while American woman ranked a clear last at 79% were overweight by more than 5 kilos-

Thais figured very well as did most all asian countries-

But I digest-

Back to me flicking cable channels this morning after a motor bike ride into the countryside-

There we have endless thai soapies or news presenters -

All seem well f***able and young at least in their early thirties -

There is no male bashing - no football player caught with his dick in some pussy, to be publicly used as a wiping boy for all males-

No monster looking grey hags or obese couch chat bitches that have exposure on male pet hates they share- and frenzied shared sister hood-

Then you flick and hit some station that shows north American or Australian woman showing off whats called "real body shapes"..woman in watch watchers proclaiming their happiness and being fabulous- yet appear to be massive still-

Then there is the self centred woman who unhappy lean on ophrah and doc Phil types to tell them to rebell and attack that selfish hard working bastard who dares question their freedoms?

Here I am read a menu of what I could possibly eat that night for dinner-

I am never asked to clean or wash up-

I am always in command to a larger extent of what and why and where- naturally woman will offer imput-
But feminism is not large here-

So is the instutution of Feminist thought and denial in the west any more deluded than Thai womans aspirations-?

Thai woman percieve farang woman to be more adulteress and in general large animals with fierce intent-

Western woman percieve Thai woman to be in Dark ages and suckie f***ie objects subjected to male dominance-

Ironically when you flick the channels long enough between east and west-

The western woman are not smiling and when they are Botox injections seem to be limiting the effect -

Child birth at 40 the new mother age story- "f*** men" the understory '"Work"

Asian channel......."please your man look good try this product it can make your breasts bigger!!"

While the jury might be out as a male almost 50 I prefer the menu option and trim body mass index lady beneath me that is upset she is 48 kilos - than some deluded western bitch that doc phil has just convinced her to say "you need to make your own f***ing dinner- while she gourges on chocolate cake and blames all men for being a f***ing pig bitch"



Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:13 am on April 26, 2011
Joe Wood
My condolences on your being banished from viewing a group of your wife's friends privately practising rapid pelvic pumping thrusts, but at some time you have to give them room to perfect and refine their under-developed or neglected range of sexual motor skills and techniques. They learn from one another.

As for life and sex haters, either male or female, either because they've never had it, haven't had enough of what they consider their share, aren't getting it at the moment or know that there is very little chance of them ever getting any more in the future, I wouldn't bother myself with worrying about them, let alone setting up an NGO to cater for their unmet needs. Maybe they are as content to remain as they are. So long as they leave me alone, I'll be happy.

Women have different likes and preferences, just like men.
They may like muscular steroid-filled bodies, thin guys or something in between ; large equipment or miniscule that they have to search around for in the dark, rather like hide and seek ; someone to tease and bully or someone who will dominate them completely or anything in-between.

As my locksmith said to me, "It's finding the right key to open the right lock."

I didn't challenge him by asking about a combination situation. I suppose you just have to keep on twirling the barrels, listening for the right clicks. The difficulty comes when the numbers get changed and the answer is knowing that they have been.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:55 pm on April 26, 2011
Wilhelm Reich's skeleton key.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:09 pm on July 5, 2011

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