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Bimlee, you might want to check your income figures.

Three customers a day at 2,000 baht per pop is 6,000 baht per day, times 26 days per month is 156,000 baht per month, times 24 months equals...3,744,000 baht.

She can buy a car for that amount.

Are you a bean counter working for the Obama administration?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:09 am on July 12, 2011
Only one car? She could probably afford a few with that amount of money (3,744,000 B). Even if she had one client per day on average (assuming there could be some dry days), you're looking at 1,248,000 B.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:19 am on July 12, 2011
Sorry for the incorrect calculation. But,you see the potential Pussy power. It took me almost 3 yrs to afford a car of my own, and to pay off car loan. She can buy/book a car on her 50th f***, in the first month. Is this calculation right expatchuck ? She should start her driving training course now easily.
Obama Admin dept. did contact me, but I declined politely.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:33 am on July 12, 2011
My hand held Casio calculator says the calculation is correct. I even double checked it and I haven't been drinking.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:44 am on July 12, 2011
the money makes sense.

My TGF right now is desperately trying to find 'normal' work. She's finished school but no uni. Clever enough and well presented, very fashionable.
She started working in a Japanese restaurant in Central Bangna, Ooyutaka or something, they promised her 400-500 baht per day for her available hours of 11am until 9pm, Mon-Fri with 2 x 1hr break. All seemed okay for the first week (AFTER she had PAID for her uniforms) then following a strange conversation with other staff she asked the manager to confirm the money, what followed was simple delay tactics for 2 more days before they finally admitted it was 30THB an hour, thats it. So she was due only 240 THB per day (yes, they don't pay for the 2 x1hr breaks). She quit after 2 weeks work and after buying uniforms, talk about out of pocket and the restaurant are laughing.

She's been offered another job at Beauty Buffet, Part-Time, Mon-Fri 3pm until 9pm, that too is 30THB an hour and she needs to buy her uniform again (granted its just plain white shirt and black trousers so can be reused I suppose) But max they will allow is 6hrs minus 1hr break. Thats 150B per day, take out 40 baht for something to eat at the foodcourt, return bus fare 30B she'll have 80THB in her pocket per day.

What the f*** is the point ? If I was in their shoes, i'd sell my pussy too.

I wanted her to get her own job to give reinforce her self worth and hopefully please her parents, but this does the complete opposite. I see why so many just give handouts to keep them happy, but it hardly breads a strong workforce with self worth does it.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:08 am on July 13, 2011

Quote: from Meatywsg on 1:08 pm on July 13, 2011
What the f*** is the point ? If I was in their shoes, i'd sell my pussy too.

I wanted her to get her own job to give reinforce her self worth and hopefully please her parents, but this does the complete opposite. I see why so many just give handouts to keep them happy, but it hardly breads a strong workforce with self worth does it.

... inferior cultural values.

... the "Land of Smiles" is quite deceptive from the outside looking in.

... Thailand is an aristocratic system of royals and priviledged elites who prey on the serfs... it's economy for generations is built on exploiting the poor, as is their right... works great when all you export are rice, shrimp and tennis shoes... the end of that era is upon us, as the elections we just witnessed fortell.

... Thailand has been purely and simply modern-day feudalism... benefitting the high-born royals and their hangers-on... no qualifiers.

... it is now shifting to an oligarchy, to be controlled by the newly enriched busines class... the situation will be no different for your TGF, or NicF's Naked Maid... they will be prostitutes, rather than work for the newly annointed oligarchs... royals or business mandarins, they both share the same CULTURAL values.

... tack on that the religious leaders here never speak against prostitution as immoral... I cannot explain that, but they just don't.

... plus, the indemic corruption... and the lack of any family values as we know them (families KNOW what their children and girlfriends and wives do to earn money to send them... hell, they even sell their own family members into it)

... Thailand is a ready-made for prostitution... Thai pussy is the one and only example of exceptionalism I can attribute to this country... ever.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:03 am on July 13, 2011
dirty guru
Good post-

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:07 am on July 13, 2011
2 words?? What happened guru, did someone come knock on your door??

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:44 am on July 13, 2011
Magnum,it is not just the Royals,aristocrats,and privileged elites who pay 30 baht an hour.

It is employers in general whether they voted for the Abahsit,or Taksins`sister.

Certainly there are girls like Meatywsg`s girlfriend that are able to say "No I wont work for 30 baht an hour",but clearly there are plenty of girls who will.

Often it is the employer who has risen from poor economic circumstances who most exploits his workers.

A change of government without legislation raising the minimum wage,and an effective mechanism for enforcing employers to pay that minimum wage,will make no difference to the wages workers receive regardless of the political complexion of the new government.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:55 am on July 13, 2011

Quote: from Valetta on 2:55 pm on July 13, 2011
Often it is the employer who has risen from poor economic circumstances who most exploits his workers.

A change of government without legislation raising the minimum wage,and an effective mechanism for enforcing employers to pay that minimum wage,will make no difference to the wages workers receive regardless of the political complexion of the new government.

... you are correct Valletta... that is why I see this as a CULTURAL issue... even with legislation raising wages and creating any protections for Thai workers, the Thai mandarins will circumvent it all... (rule of law? Thailand?. ethics?. morals?. a conscience?. Thais? oh, pul-leeze!).

... still, I am afraid it is a bit worse than you might imagine... I read in the last weeks that the Thai economy is not creating jobs corresponding to what the education system (paltry as it is) is producing... couple of points:

(1) There are now massive shortages of unskilled labor to take those crap minimum wage jobs, producing low value added exports upon which powerful Thai families have made their fortunes... Cambodians, Burmese and Laos are being imported (legally and illegally) to fill those positions;

(2) Thais are choosing higher education, rather than working on the farm or stitching shoes together for some soulless Thai outsource company insulating Nike, Adidas, and such from the Thai's wretched treatment of their employees... (as Meatyswg cites above... very common) ;

(3) Young Thais are graduating from colleges and vocational schools in greater numbers, only to find that the elite Thai business families and the Thai government have done little to move the Thai economy beyond unskilled export manufacturing... these young people are unemployed, or flipping burgers... (forgot the numbers, but they are well into double digit percentages) ;

(4) These young people are the seeds of dissent; and,

(5) They and their less-educated cousins are the raw stock from which Thai's have forged their greatest contribution to mankind... Thai whores!... (what noble purpose, this culture, eh?).

... as Meatyswg, I do feel sorry for these people... a significant percentage of the Thai population is still in survival (and tribal) mode... (how do I feed my family today?)... for women as Meatyswg's TGF and NicF's Naked Maid, the choice is difficult, and too often necessary.

... perhaps not unlike in decades past in China, or in present day Africa... women get hooked-up as a sex toy or a 2nd or 3rd wife to a wealthy man... secure your future and that of your child... and survive... while uncivilized by modern societies, this is not considered immoral at all in Thailand.

... that Thai Buddhism does not preach fidelity, or the immorality of prostitution is probably a blessing... if they did, the women in Thailand would be even more psychologically damaged than they already are.

... to me, Thai culture is all a grand illusion perpetrated by the aristocrats and entitled elites to make uncleansed masses of Thais think they are living better than others... maybe like the North Koreans, who are brainwashed to believe the South Koreans are the poor bastards whose children are starving to death.

... sad... I can no longer really see the smiles here.

... (sorry to take your thread so off point, Meatyswg)... uh, yeah!... yeah!... for sure, NicF's Naked Maid has got great tits!... great tits!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:55 am on July 13, 2011

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