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Spurs Man
If you hail from an English speaking country, and you want to 'live the dream', then do the 4 week CELTA course.
I've just finished the course, which means that I now have the right to teach english in diaboical conditionsand have the privelage of earning 1/10 of my previous salary in the UK !!! Great Deal huh ?
But quite frankly, who cares about the little things when such great pussy awaits !!!
The CELTA course is great as it will prepare you on how to teach and most thai schools demand it + the obligatory fake degree ! But be warned it is a very intensive course so doing it out in LOS is not a good idea - too many nocturnal distractions !! Do it at home, save a few quid, hop on a plane & smile, smile, smile !!!!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:52 pm on Sep. 29, 2004
Sounds interesting, Spurs. I actually teach ESL here in the States (privately, not in an institution), so I'm intrigued. Is the CELTA course international, or is it offered only in the UK? Do they offer it over the web? Is the standard for English in Thailand British English - do American teachers have to teach British spelling etc.?


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:36 pm on Sep. 29, 2004
Check out and

Pay ranges from $500USD per month to 1KUSD. Korea and Japan pay way better.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:16 pm on Sep. 29, 2004
Spurs Man

CELTA is the qualification in most demand by employers if you wish to teach English as a foreign Language. Reputable schools in LOS will insist upon it.
It is a Bristish qualification offered by a branch of Cambridge University but anyone can take it. I've taken mine in the UK and the standard of teaching was very high. It is also offered in many Asian countries and you can currently take it in bkk for about $750.

It is a four week intensive course ( or you can study part time over 13 weeks) and it is quite tough. You really need to put everything else in your life on hold for 4 weeks. But once you've completed the course, you will be well equipped to deal with the rigours of teaching in Thailand.

Admittedly, Japan & China pay a lot better but I know where I'd rather be !!!!!!!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 6:14 pm on Sep. 30, 2004
CELTA is offered at ECC at Siam Square. I believe the tuition is $1400 USD.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:04 pm on Oct. 1, 2004
What a great deal ! tuition is 3 times your monthly pay !! But wait, there are expenses to live in BKK, no ? so it can be as much as a year's net take home ? Why not make the fu$%^&ing $$ in your home country for a year and then go to LOS, live like a king and teach English for free to some poor BG's......while you are at it, you can also teach her French, Russian, Greek.....etc 555555555.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:15 pm on Nov. 15, 2004
Broken Leg
Your right manowar it's not much of a deal,

spurs man if you were earning 10 times as much in the UK why not work an extra 3 months that would equate to about 2 and half years of salary in thailand then you'd get to sleep in in the mornings as well

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:27 pm on Nov. 15, 2004
Actually, it is a good deal. It's less than half you would pay to get the SAME certification in San Francisco, for example. Not only that, it will likely pay for itself within 6 months in the form of a higher salary. And, if you want to make more as a teacher, it's recognized around the world (unlike the other teaching certifications available in Thailand).

I was also earning more than 10X a teacher's salary in my native country, one of the reasons I'm not in any great hurry to start working. Who knows, perhaps I'll decide to follow broken leg's strategy? But teaching sounds like fun, and it's giving something back to the thais for all the good pussy I've taken out of the bars.

According to the government, you're supposed to have a B.A. with a certification (unless the BA is in English).
In reality, you probably don't need either, you can get your BA on Khao San Road. However, I believe that whatever a person chooses to do, should be done well, which is the main reason I'd get the certification. In particular, I think the more rigorous CELTA will open more doors by differentiating the serious candidates from the ones more likely to drag themselves to work hung-over every day.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:45 am on Nov. 16, 2004
TEXT AND TALK in Pattaya offers excellent value for the money. Excellent teacher and good location.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:54 am on Nov. 16, 2004
I looked at TEXT AND TALK, big fella, and I think it represents terrible value.

The CELTA requires 8 hours per day for 4 weeks, compared with TnT's 4 hours per day for 8 weeks. The tuition for TnT is slightly less, but if you factor in the additional room and board costs, it's actually at least as expensive.

With TnT, I'd expect to start at about 25,000/month. With CELTA, I'd expect to start at about 35,000/month, and if I wanted to move to Japan, I could probably make about half of what I was earning in California as a software developer. For a teacher, that's pretty darn good.

In summary, I think TEXT AND TALK is a poor value. You pay the same, or perhaps slightly more, for a 30% less return (in Thailand), with fewer options.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:22 am on Nov. 16, 2004

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