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dirty guru
Kool breeze says this below

DG, first happy birthday.

Next, you seem to still be infering that foreigners can farm, and trade rice. That simply is not the case at all. You do not buy rice in Cambodia, your wifes family does, so don't infer that it is "we", you don't buy it.

There is not any foreigner that can trade rice if they live near the border because they can not do it. It is not possible for a foreigner to do as you infer.

You use the "we" when it is "them" that does all the work, and you even say so, then you are taking the credit for their hard work. That is sad.

You got hooked up with a wife's family that was already doing it all. You try to make it sound like any foreigner could do this, all they have to do is live by the border, and that is not true at all. That is what I call BS on.


Look I am not into mind games - but lets get it straight-

I do buy the rice - or "we" its my f***ing money- The fact the wife and family carry out the purchase is red tape-

I decide the amount spent - I am usually called on the phone to be told whats available or my wife green lights smaller amounts-

Wrong they were not doing this before-

Look thanks for yesterdays birthday wishes-

But your hell bent on painting me as a bullshit artist when infact I am just telling the truth-

You want me to acknowledge something thats not true-

That (a) the thai family were doing that before you came along-

What with ?

You need a truck!

They never had one-

My wife and I sit for hours plotting investments and returns- she grades samples of rice- gets an estimate on this side for sale and we crunch numbers-

I am involved-

Same with machinery-

If you think westerners cant be involved in farming wrong!

Ok so its all Thai names and workers-

When you build a house its no different (as thousands of western men have done) Thai workers - family name-

No different - Thais own it - or wife at least-

Ok koolbreeze - why cant someone else who has a Thai wife in say Kuri kai or Ta-praya not do this?

Why ?

One reason?

Can you give me one (that doesnt involve the obvious red tape excuses easily bypassed?)

I am not special - I do it- why cant someone else?

I am not the only westerner interested in country life-

Truck leaves 5am - buys til noon returns in afternoon- sold at dusk or next day-

Or Cattle 60 in herd produce 15-20 new calfs-

Older ones sold off-

Pigs etc-

Renting machinery-

You seem to think theses people sign cotracts to rent a tractor from someone (like my thai wife)

Wrong - infact most times they pay in grain (rice) which is sold - or sometimes kept til money replaces it-
Its always someone they know-

With some relations no fee is taken-

The rural sector is largely self regulated the word communism is not accurate - but it is communal in its processes often-

I tend to say - "we" do this or that-as I started the processes with wife- and I always am involved in the dealings as its "our money"

Example a good source is located and we can buy at good prices maybe 10,000 kilograms worth-

Wife clears it with me and then gives permission to buy the lot-

I have encouraged others here to consider the land as - dispite you saying it cant be done - without giving one sound reason -

My living experiences is it is done and completely hassel free-

Ok if you want to say they had a tractor and truck and money and were dong it before - and it makes you feel better - say so-

Members here know I have planned this for years- and they did not have the means-

I have developed the herd- machinery - and supplied means to transport rice-

If you think about rice transportation and cross border trade its nothing new-

Same as "farang " houses are not-

The fact you say I am taking credit for their hard work is sad?

Thats pompous in the extreme - these f***ers used to toil long and hard plowing fields-

Tractor!= easier life and $$$$ better harvests-

Hard work- They take a truck and pay cambodians to load it up- you think they do it all?

Hard work - they make 500 baht a day each for the round trip and lining up buys- half the time they come back singing and half pissed-

You should seperate the mind games you entertain as me cast as some south african white farmer exploiting Thais-

It was my birthday yesterday - my wife spent 40,000 of her money feeding the village people and entertaining them with music and alcohol-

Before me alot of her relations slept on mats with a fan and had a busted up TV and 15 cattle a few chickens - and prayed it rained-

I am under no illusions alot of my love shown stems from purely Financial gains they have made-

But who here can judge- we all venture down a path in some marriage here or home where its costs-

Have I said am making it big here?

No !

Infact, I have been perfectly honest in my modest returns-

A german man who is building a resturant spoke with me at length about what "we" do-

Sure he knows it involves Thai wifes and family-

But he likes the fact that making the Thais successful in their own right - relieves the burden of outlay-

I dont see much returns - but my wifes bank balance improves- if the son wants a new motor bike she buys it-

I have helped make some poorer families more comfortable - by simple kindness of decent wages-

Believe it or not 500 baht a day is good payment-

And I am sure these guys skim some rice thats fine too-

Farming is something not often discussed here-

Its childish to wish it away or pretend farangs cant run - or have a say-

When married ofcourse you can!

Its just always a family member who signs the resale-

My wife has a Farang surname dont forget-

Machinery Traders often extend protocols directly to me knowing I hold the balance of power its a Missus on the dotted line - but a farang is behind it

So in closing Koolbreeze - dont cast me as some evil Western farmer on thai soil-

I am very kind to these people- and as clearly pointed out- at risk of loosing it all- as I am a Farang and that happens in these stories-sometimes

All I am suggesting is if I can succeed in the very simple processs of what I am doing- there is no reason why others cant-

This forum is surely bigger than the old pear of buying a beer bar- or running a shop in Issaan or a small Hotel-?

You cant dismiss farming when someone is experiencing it successfully-

I might not get rich but in years to come by the time I move here (and I can legally retire here now) it might be comfortable-

I am breaking no laws - infact the tractor dealers went out their way to make me feel comfortable-

I have Thai farmers haggle with me over say a bull price asking- * me- not wife-

Usually they win some concession-

At the end of the day - Thai farmers wish more guys out there came along and tried this experiment- as it all benifits them also-

If I loose well thats my calulation- will be honest about that too-

But so far so good

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:20 pm on May 10, 2011
quote from blonk:do not envisage this making any money for at least a couple of hundred years as her business acumen is less than acute.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:39 pm on May 10, 2011
dirty guru
Well he clarified a few things-

You loose - you loose what?

A thai bitch?

My wife for all I know dispite her ritual of praying to buddha stark naked on the bed before sleep-

Might place a plastic bag on my head when I have a fever 10 years on when all is achieved in her eyes -

When the tractors and trucks and resturants etc are all in place-

But who knows maybe I will live my days out in peace-?

But he points out "us" is the right terminology while it exists-

No different to west and marriages-

Every marriage is a gamble-

Even Jingjo thais in the west who incidentally have protection of laws should one day way down the track they leave - its 50%

Sure here or there - we all do the math say she could have done me then or there - so therefore etc-

We all sit in judgement of the lesser wise in our own estimation-

Blonk is enjoying the young pussy wife-

He is seemingly happy with his gamble as I am mine-

He understands its more about making them independent than profits passe-

Not sure if the south is wealthy or not Blonk-

I am not in issaan-

The people seem to have alot more cattle and grain than before-

A house in Ta- praya is about $28,000 aud-

But building in the farming sector is about 15% cheaper for a bigger home-

But $900,000 baht gets you 5 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms- 2 storeys-

You know little is spoken of Farang marriages and the risks there-


Guess it goes without saying-

My brother just took his 30 year old younger thai wife and child to Australia-

I envision in 5 years I will still being f***ed over for an extra tractor or truck and my wife with a 5 baht necklace still professing love-

Bonk whatever - will be where his heart leads him or dick-

But my brother?

She will I bet long be gone after passport secured and with a younger successful dude-

There is no sure script-

Like I said -

I know guys I would have sworn blind was on a looser Bangkok whore - who 12 years into marriage is happy still-

I have seen guys marry sweetest woman form a straight educated Thai background hit the mincer in under a 2 year period-

Lifes a gamble-

You know what Jingjo ?

If Blonk rolls over at night and likes what he feels - and the months of being alive on this earth for whatever short time we all have is sweet-

Who cares about the other shit-

Like him I have untouchable back up accounts-

I am happy (albiet it back soon to the tread mill in OZ) thats all that counts-

But back on thread Farming (even excluding buying rice) Is not so hard if done correctly-

There are some good Thai woman upcountry who would love a farmer husband-

Many are pretty and fertile -

Just coz mine is a religious hag doent mean thats all thats on offer-

I married a woman I fear so I live -

I need a woman who will beat me when I drink whisky or have pussy on my breath-


Besides its refreshing to know thais that can make money-

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:03 am on May 11, 2011
dirty guru
Well - I would maybe get the death penalty for a video - after appropiate accident/death insurance is put in place-

Good luck with that- young woman tend to be forgiving to good providers- and if your giving her 60K a month - you ought to survive that one-

Maybe once she gets her shop that amount should drop alot-

I just tried to borrow 200 baht for some heinkiens as the ATM is down-

She told her daughter to massage pappa's back - and wait -

""woman eh?"

Oh well should be open now (atm)


Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 3:56 am on May 11, 2011
dirty guru
I had to leave our town house to collect wifes mother (by motor bike from farm ) as there is one of those dance shows in town tonight - girlies and music issaan style-

Mother looks fijian she is so solid and just grunts-

I rode past on the last few kilometers a bunch of school boys on motor bikes (today was regestration day- ) they were just hanging out talking watching a farang go past and dodge the water buffalo and chickens on the road-

A few minutes later I had this mid fifties woman on my bike chewing on the beetle juice shit they do-

I made the appropiate just scored look - and a rooar of laughter went up - thinking "what a sick f***"

I get home there is a 6 foot 9 danish man and his wife in my house - who bags the f*** out of Thais something bad to me-

I guessed he must have lived in chonburi or Pattaya and it was confirmed and the daughter was from another woman-

We were given a dog to mind while they went to Denmark-

Twice the f***er called me american and went on about obama-

In the end I gave up and went and took the son to the snooker hall before dinner-

Who else calls by is the big question?

And the dog named cookie acts like an abused teenage girl - which makes me wonder ?

This big f***er has a 4 foot tall wife who looks 16 but I am told she is 24-

They insist we have drinks before the concert tonight but I am already entertaining ideas that all I will hear is this stupid f***s woes from wife one -

He also looks criminally insane- but then again I have a lex luther hair do at present and maybe he thinks he has found a pal-?

Why does a Farang contact have to be a dutch lurch from adams family-?

Oh well - last week left- I should just get ripped and enjoy the young dancers tonight-


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:58 am on May 11, 2011
dirty guru
A motor bike crashes and a mother is badly hurt on some country road- the child about 5 is dead-

Its a very very bad scene - one that isnt the first or last I will come across-

f***ing horror on young mothers face-

I am nuking myself on whsiky tonight so I can sleep-

I was fortunate enough to be about 5 minutes after the crash-

And luckily alone-

I left after the ambulance arrived and didnt do anything to help as the Thais had it under control-

I drove a hundred meters up the road and stopped and threw up and felt pretty shaken-

Neither had a helmet on-

I didnt mention anything at home but my wife noticed I was pale looking-

I am not that wimpy - I have seen accidents before - but a young mother badly hurt with horror on her face at dead daughter - man it really is hard-

Just ten minutes ago some 12 year old kid over took me on the road into town - I was doing 55 kilometers an hour and the road was greazy and wet from a brief shower-

You know I love thai freedoms - I enjoy alot in the kingdom - but I cant shake the helpless look on the mothers face from my mind and the lifeless girl with a busted up open skull-

On a brighter note the girlie show last night was great-

I was singled out by some comic on stage that said roughly as the spotlight hit me
""hello Farang.....what is your name please?"

I said it was "Thaksin" which got some laughter and 3 bottles thrown in my direction -

Then some clearly red shirt supporters thew a few back and the comic said I had said "tuck some " and the drummer did a roll bash and he motioned to my gut and said something in Thai/kymer that I obviously was the butt off-

Highlight was I was asked to pick the showgirl best costume - by then I was smashed and thought it was a great idea- my wife knew it was a ploy to get me on stage - where I was eaten alive by the comics-

before my decesion did stick eventually -

I dont advise ever getting on a thai stage - Farang jokes loomed larger than life-

Ironically a guy was being cremated the temple next door and the monks were chanting-

I was stopped by a cop on the way home as I had a chang in my hand-
I handed over my dee why RSL club photo id which he accepted as my drivers license- as it had a picture of me, and looked like it could be a license-

He then fined me 100 baht on the spot for drunken driving which he seemed to be pocketing like the other cop busting the guy behind my bike-
Then he lets me finish the beer first and waves me on-

Cool punishement-

My wife almost kills me in the driveway in the car- in what might have been a stage attempt before the real thing later-

Maybe me choosing a show girl was a set up-

Worse I am told I also picked the youngest and her father is a policeman-

I am glad they let you go around here-

Seriously, thailand can get dangerous-

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:43 am on May 12, 2011

Quote: from dirty guru on 5:43 pm on May 12, 2011
You know I love thai freedoms - I enjoy alot in the kingdom - but I cant shake the helpless look on the mothers face from my mind and the lifeless girl with a busted up open skull-

... interesting entry DG... I agree with you, that the dull-witted Thais cause the needless deaths of too many innocent children here... wonder how many of these beautiful Thai children's skulls are smashed open by drunken drivers?... what do you think?... many?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:17 am on May 12, 2011
dirty guru
Point taken magnum-

Though in my defence - I am doing 30 clicks heading home straight line - one kilometer two turns-

There is some grey matter-

Alot of Thai deaths are pure stupidity

Humans get attached Quack Quack-

You must be a Mr spock if you can overcome human feelings with pure reason-

You get hard - but never that hard

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:35 pm on May 12, 2011
dirty guru
Son comes home later for dinner then eats hardly anything and tries fleeing- I demand motor bike keys from his bike - as I suspect he is wacked and trying to avoid detection-

Wake up and my 10,000 baht phone with heaps of footage is gone-

Mother doesnt know I took his keys or he was ripped-

I am giving him "benifit of doubt" this time as I walked down the street after dark and took a call and might have lost it on way home somehow-

But its a sensitive matter- he tried borrowing money the day before from his grandmother-

This relates to alot of deaths - kids do stuff and die like flies-

He appreciated I didnt punish him worse by telling mother-

And I want to think it was a "one off" and he didnt also take my phone-

It was bad enough getting a prolonged scorning from wife over missing phone-

But I thought back to 17 and doing joints-

The kids brave considering his mother who has various sticks for various offenses and its f***ing strong and bad tempered when wronged-

That 3 night rule thing should read one night only - but can next week again-

Females will always get under the skin - by design they usually win-

Its ok blonk Years from now it wouldnt matter how many times you see them-

That rule is a newbie application-

Most the f***ers here dont have hearts - or you learn to never believe a word they say-

Thats my problem - with bar girls- I just cant get the GFE easy as to me its just a routine-

I would say 90% of the guys here are not going to get entrapped easy - and have had too much experience to buy the talk-

I went through a stage where I had a mute in chiang mai for a week or so and it was fantastic-

3 days left in Thailand a month has gone quick-

Other than the last two days where I saw the bad beat up bike crash victims and loosing my phone its been relaxing- heaps of sleep and good food-

I am dreading The sydney winter ahead

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:20 pm on May 13, 2011
dirty guru
I run water taxis - at 6am or midnight I can assure you its cold enough-

You get a few gales and nasty nights - bleak


You win - thats cold -

Rocks jazz still there-

Wife is consulting a Magic lady to find my phone at 500 baht-

I was angry until she said magic lady tell me you go with Lady from bangkok to Pattaya when moon full two month ago- name her begin with O

That threw me big time-

I dropped her off and there was 7 people waiting infront of her-

Maybe magic lady has immigration friend- with Hotel print outs?

If I get my phone back well that will be something else-

The little c*** son by now has hocked it for a bag of weed-

He will keep -

f***er loves mangos - he will get a beauty before I leave

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:57 am on May 14, 2011

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