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Quote: from Ina Labia on 9:23 pm on May 27, 2006
Each had one arm over the other’s shoulders and the other hand gently encouraging the girl’s head.

Ina, that's one of the craziest stories I've ever heard! I mean, in a good way... I think...Gee. The whole picture as you describe it reminds me of some alchemical illustrated manuscript. "Thus the Twin Swans bathe in the Thirsty Sun" or some such caption as those mysterious scientists used to do in those days..... Well, I guess I must be glad to hear that SOL encourages such fraternal felicity, if that is what it was.

Actually about three years ago, I met an old friend who was on one of his regular and lengthy stays in SEAsia. I will call him Marquis. We'd agreed to meet at a little beer bar and did so, drinking several beers to our health and friendship and discussing various branches of experience and our histories. Then we decided to enter the Star of Light, as we'd done on more than one occasion; it was, and is, a favorite. In fact, years back after the Marquis's first visit he was so enthralled with SOL that he wrote numerous letters to his friends at home declaring that he'd discovered the greatest thing ever--he believed though that the idea should be extended; there should be not only blowjob bars, but blowjob supermarkets, post offices, etc.

Anyway, in this particular adventure I'm talking about, we both went in and sat down at Sofa#1. Suddenly both our pairs of eyes clicked on our current favorite girl in there--and it was the same girl! This was during my Aliasit period. Ah, what a sweetheart she was. And is, if we could stop missing each other's calls. She's moved on in life since last year. Cute, mood lifting girl. In any event, the Marquis and I, we'd both had no idea that we'd each been seeing her as a favorite. But everybody in there knew me and the Marquis was good friends. So in a flash Aliasit sat down between and with each hand gives us the rub of love. Some other girls started to laugh and ask her if she could really handle the both of us. She only smiled while we all groped pleasureably--her us, and us her.

Suddenly I had to take a leak and when I came back she was blowing the Marquis. And then some guy started talking to me from Sofa#2. I stood on the Sofa#1 side of the brick shelf and somehow kept up my conversation with him about the price of coal in Minnesota. But by this time, this Marquis, he was starting to doggy style Aliasit on #1. Her head was near my crouch and her face as always looked enchantingly good enough to f***. So then.

My friend finished off in his f***ing. But I was getting too much distractions, so I had to take her into the bathroom and sexify with her in there until fruition. She was always so nice to me and tried to antipate what I wanted and do it before I ever had to ask. I should try calling again, I guess.

But back to contemporaniousness: someone on some thread had asked about who can deepthroat. A few days ago I did a little number with Truck (remove two centrally located consonants) as I hadn't for months and months, and I can confirm that in fact her whole BJ technique consists pretty much of continuous deepthroat with intermittant tongue flicking of the capsum. What a marvellous time! And Truck is such a nice easy-going girl, always happy and fun and participatory.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:35 am on May 27, 2006
this question is a little akward for me to ask as this request may be more suited for eden club but I can't help but if anybody can offer some feedback on how the girls would feel about incorporating some light b/d into the session preferably as a switch maybe someone has & could share was the request rejected, welcomed or half hearted accepted

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:44 am on May 27, 2006
Don, your question was a little awkward but I think I figured out what you mean. Obviously I am in a writing mood tonight so I'll try to answer, if I'm right in thinking that you want one of the girls to beat you lightly with a switch while they blow you, perhaps teasingly. Well, my answer is I have never heard of this at SOL but if you are a regular and get to know a girl there maybe she could help you. For a switch maybe you'll have to look in the forest or peel one off a tree in Lumpini Park. Beware of plainclothes park rangers. Not my scene, I'm not sure.

However, if you mean that you want to use your switch on an SOL girl I would say that that would not be welcome. Several times I have talked with a girl in there who'd just come back from a hotel where some "guy" got rough with them, and the girls always complained bitterly about it. I've spent long hours with many girls there and of course I was outraged each time. So this does not seem to be a welcome idea for them. I may be wrong, people may agree to do a lot of things for money, but that's what I've seen and heard.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:08 am on May 27, 2006


Those girls seem so gentle to me. No idea how they would feel about B&D.

But I can definitely say that if things seem slow, or if you are not receiving the sort of attention that you desire, reach up and ring that bell.

Life suddenly gets very, very good.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:24 am on May 27, 2006
i was not talking about a switch to beat each other with I meant role playing in sensuos way no rough stuff I not looking for anything extreme there are other places for that my idea was more sexy lingerie & a little light bondage i'm sure it's just best to go & discuss w/ladies but I wanted to if anybody here has exposed the ladies to this & their reaction

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:45 pm on May 27, 2006
Joe Wood

Seajohn :

Ah yes, your Aliasit period !
How life changes and how life goes on.
I thought you would have re-secured contact by now.
Go for it. Give her a call. Lovely girl.

don5252 :

Over the years I haven't met one girl in there who has entertained any rough sort of treatment. And as seajohn has rightly pointed out, they do complain bitterly about any rough treatment from a customer.

It just isn't their style. It doesn't fit in with the concept of the "sucking bar" and it wouldn't fit into their gentle, caring, all giving attitude. These girls are genuine people, with good hearts and give so much to their laborious work to gain merit and for family.

Spending years sucking off so many cocks a day is enough of an emotional weight to balance and maintain, without the added burden of physical pain.

But you didn't mean rough treatment. As you say, some sexy lingerie & a little light bondage, is what you meant.

In the girl's day, she moves from one cock to another, from one short-time customer to another. Frequency of service brings in the income. No salary to be had. So, I would thnk that if you wanted more, i.e., the sexy lingerie, maybe she has that already. I know the majority of girls do, but maybe that is not for in-bar wear, for they do change for and after work.

As for the little light bondage, well, Eden's will do that for you. but I would think that if you developed a regular relationship ( or visitation rights ) with an individual girl, there would be your opportunity, over time, to introduce the extra-curricular ideas of what you favour.

But I do know that not all the girls there would go for it, even with a regular.

I am not into bondage myself, but a few years ago, there was a girl working there who, after taking her out two or three times, wanted to tie me up, but I don't think you meant that way round, did you ?

Luckily, after three hours, I managed to untie myself and join her at the bar after the hospital had treated my ankles and wrists and other parts. Needless to say, I didn't go with her again, as I chose and presently choose to take care of my circulation, particularly below the belt.

Sadly ( or otherwise for me ) she no longer works there, having left about three years ago. but I do accidently see her on the street from time to time. I just wave with a painful expression on my face to lighten her day.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:39 pm on May 27, 2006
Dickin Situ

Staggered into the Star of Light one mid-afternoon recently and ordered my third Tiger of the day. I know I shouldn’t start too early since the evening and long night were stretched before me, but the day was really hot out and after such a hectic week at work, I thought, what the heck !

Both couches were occupied as was the back-room.
Two girls came to unzip me and started to suck and lick me while another one who had nothing to do reached from behind me and started to tease and pull gently at my nipples and stroke my stomach.

I don’t know about you blokes, but my nipples don’t give me a thing and if they are fiddled with for any length of time, start to give me pain, so I asked the third girl to stop touching them..

The other two ladies were busy sucking and licking my cock and balls, so the third lady still from behind me, with her arms around me, contented herself with just holding my cock for the other two to suck.

This felt and seemed to be extremely erotic and had me rock hard in seconds. The girl behind me started to gently rub and stroke my stomach from my belly-button to my cock while the other two continually switched from sucking and licking my balls to sucking and licking my cock alternatively.

This threesome attention was doing me in fast and they sensed I was going to come.
The two in front stopped with open mouths and the third lady still behind me successfully hand-jobbed me onto their tongues and in their mouths.

After I came, the two in front, sucked and licked me dry and went to clean up. The third lady came around the front and gave me a final licking clean before putting my clothes back on.
Now that’s what I call having a Tiger.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:58 pm on May 27, 2006
joe thank you for your insight,the only point that your responce differed from what was seeking is light bondage is something I like to give & receive I think i'll probably just stick with the eden club although i've found their oral skills mostly sub par but at least they untie you (if you want) when finished

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:12 pm on May 27, 2006
Not into b/d or anything rough myself and I know that the girls I know from SOL aren't into it either.

Not so long ago, I was told that one of the girls from a bar near SOL was roughed up by one of her customers. The story goes that the guy seemed alright at the bar, barfined the girl, took her somewhere (ST room, if I remember the story correctly), and then proceeded to beat the hell out of her. May or may not have raped her too, I don't know.

The girl who told me this story was quite scared that day and worried about the potential of this happening to her or one of her friends at SOL. I was worried for her as well and could only advise her to not go with any guy that she thinks is shady. If her gut tells her the guy is bad, then don't go with him. Take the financial loss.

Given this recent happening in Patpong, I don't think the girls at SOL will be to receptive to b/d or anything of the sort.

May scumbags who beat on women rot in Hell..... or better yet, cross my path.

Sir Titus

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:22 am on May 28, 2006
Joe Wood
I'll definitely stand beside you on that one, sirtitus.

And I know that a lot of the regulars at SOL would join us in beating the shit out of these guys, too.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:48 am on May 28, 2006

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