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A 3rd world reality check, good to hear you got out of there>>>I m glad I get out of there safely and hope someone can rescue those infortunate girls

Sounds like your doing well with VietNam girls,>>>Yes, in fact I think over the few days I was in Cambodia I took maybe 80 percent Vietnamese girls

Isn't it risky to arrive in Cambo w/no hotel reserved? Might be camping out on river bank>>>There are hotels everywhere in Phnom Penh, it took me a few motorbike rides to find a correct one that has rooms avalaible, no big deal for a lone traveller, of course if I go again with the wife then I ll do a pre-booking LOL


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:37 pm on Mar. 19, 2008
black cats
Good report mf. I've never had issues with the book selling kids, but I haven't been in PP lately, unfortunate development. Tip: stick to the discos heart, martinis & bars walkabout, sharky's. All willing of age WGs there.

I witnessed Walkabout security show the door to some barang who came in with a minor and then beat him down when he wouldn't leave. He changed his mind in about 10 seconds.

Your account of the brothel is all too real and that must have been intimidating and troubling. I'm glad you posted so people know NOT to go to random brothels with a motodop. It also highlights the advantages of a legal or tolerated prostitution like Thailand as a curb against child abuse.

Finally the prices. After a bad experience I gave up on ST at my hotel room and stuck with LT $20. I've even heard from others that this is high. Sophie's used to be a dump but quite the blast as the girls gave a sample at the bar and you could pick your fave for $10 and tip the others 2000 riel. No room? It was probably busy.

PP doesn't make the same impression as Bangkok does as Cambodia was bombed to bits by Nixon and experienced auto genocide, followed by decades of its plight being ignored by the West. I wasn't very impressed with PP the first time I went although the ordinary people do grow on you. I'm glad I gave it a second look, though as once you've adjusted it's a nice city.

Love the baguettes and coffee.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 3:29 am on Mar. 20, 2008
There's many more girls in that situation & worse, I'm sure, but that aside, your F/R's are always a good read, I'm getting Cambo on my to do list

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:33 am on Mar. 20, 2008
The rooms at Sophie and Cyrcee are closed and Mikado is closed to, police busted the owner of Mikado after a webiste publicised nude pictures of his girls, and then they started to create trouble to almost every other bar...

Likely I overpayed but it was my first time there and really I was still feeling like being cheap when giving the equivalent of 600 baht for a full afternoon of sex with a beautifull girl....

Seem to me that some of the prices we read here and there date back a few years and that because the dollar has weakened a lot then its just normal the girls are asking a bit more to compensate.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:29 am on Mar. 21, 2008
nowadays I hear often " up to you " when it get's to price negotiations... - seems to me they learn rather quick from their Thai sisters
I've tried both, Khmer and Viet gals whereas the Viet's overall rate better... - personal taste.

as for the child clubs, yes I can confirm - once I was also dropped into one of these etablissments. Couldn't believe what I saw...

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:56 am on Mar. 24, 2008
Nice FR.
Mad Frog, did you mean the Ankor International Hotel on 148 street, when you said the Ankor Hotel?
If so, then that is the same hotel I use when I'm in PP (like in about 1 month )
Since you paid $15 I guess you had a room with a view.
The rooms inside the hotel, without a window is $10. I used to like a window in my room, but since I only sleep excercise in my room, why do I need a window? To hear the streetnoises at 06.00 in the morning? Don't think so.
The swiss guy that took the francise for the hotel has made a real hotel out of it in the last 5 years. It is far from luxurious by the standards of americans used to pay $500 a night, but it has everything you need.
Only, as mentioned, no a safe. But in all my encounters with numerous thai, viet and cambo girls I never ever needed a safe. No one ever did steal from me, not even 1 baht. Lots wanted more money then they were entitled to, but they always asked and it was up to me to give or not to give. Ofcourse I never had all my valuebles out in the open.
Maybe I pick my girls with better care, or I was just lucky.

About hotelreservations?
I never ever needed one. In Thailand and Cambodia there are enough hotels to never go without a room. It happend to me only once that a hotel was full, next one had a room. So why bother with a reservation?
Maybe it is because I shop at the lowcost segment of the market ($10-15) and not the Presidential Suite segment. But ofcourse I like to have all the AC, TV, shower and fridge thingies that make life a lot nicer.

And I never let anybody pick my carcass up at the airport. To much trouble to arrange something like that. To much chance you can get delayed. To much chance they pick you up a week later. Just pick a taxi, name your hotel, pay him his $$$ and get dropped infront of your hotel. No fuss, no waiting, easy as pie.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:35 am on Mar. 24, 2008
Good tips, no window, no noise, Ankor or Angkor? have a/c?
Airport pick up, forget it, even LAX
Have to disagree about reservations, it's so easy to do

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:50 pm on Mar. 24, 2008
Yes, we speak about the same hotel, I dont like the rooms with no window, not because I miss the view but because they tend to smell bad because of a lack of natural ventilation


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:22 am on Mar. 25, 2008
Problem with your solution is that you don't need an AC in your room, since the window is open and the room is 35 degrees. And last time I stayed there I did not notice a smell.
But if you can find an airtight room in Cambodia where smells cannot escape, then you are a better man then I am.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:52 am on Mar. 29, 2008
LOL, sure I cant find an airtight room, but I can find leaking plumbery and defective aircon LOL


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:00 am on April 1, 2008

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