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MainCatch All – The Rotten Apple Core ? All Topics

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You all do know steve jobs was a capitalist! God bless him!

No liberal shit for him.....although publicy he had to pretend to be a liberal.

Mr magnum you do realize the have nots in usa have 2 cars, a place to live, cellphones galore, health care,. the american have nots are doing just fine!

They like being a have not and have no desire to became a have. Have nots choose to be nots! Being a have requires efforts and hard work-something that 25-30% of the population anywhere dont want.

Dg for all the shit you take seems a lot here appreciate your princely efforts at keeping this place going. What do you think about opening up this forum to all- seems so inbred here. Discussion either stale or none at all.

for all you goody too shoes types. You do know that countries love companies like apple to exploit their people otherwise it wouldnt happen. So cut the khrap about Apple being a bad world citizen. They provide for so many that otherwise would be surviving on shit!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:15 pm on Feb. 16, 2012
dg/blonk/snoops seems to suffer from multiple personality disorder. Eliminating them would remove most of the flame wars without the loss of any useful content. I'm waiting for dg/blonk/snoops to start flaming himself.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 10:27 pm on Feb. 16, 2012

Right on Man

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:17 pm on Feb. 16, 2012
Who is blonk?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 12:42 am on Feb. 17, 2012

Quote: from snoops on 11:15 am on Feb. 17, 2012

Mr magnum you do realize the have nots in usa have 2 cars, a place to live, cellphones galore, health care,. the american have nots are doing just fine!

They like being a have not and have no desire to became a have. Have nots choose to be nots! Being a have requires efforts and hard work-something that 25-30% of the population anywhere dont want.

... I do not disagree with anything above, especially the part about the erosion of the traditional American work ethics... work hard, sacrifice, commit, save, plan... largely gone from the larger American population.

... the situation I fear is not that Americans will NOT eventually recover their work ethics... I believe they will... hopefully, just as our greatest generation, who were children from the wreckage of the Great Depression, caused by the intoxicating excesses of the Roaring 20's.

... a situation not really so different from now.

... that American generation's character and values were forged out of suffering and privation, just as that threatening more and more Americans now.

... my concern is that when they DO de-toxify and return to sensible behaviors, the economic model into which Americans will re-enter will have no jobs for the larger population.

... the "Apple economic model," driving relentlessly for productivity, produces spectacular profits for the top 20%, and tons of marginal jobs for the bottom 20%... little between... this is world of difference than what greeted an American in a re-surging post-Depression and WWII economy.

... will this result in a better society, or a worse society?. is it even "healthy," however you choose to define that, for the top 20%?

... without some sort of moderation, will it result in the shredding of the social fabric that binds together any nation.

... Nike and Adidas were in the same boat as Apple... all played by the rules of the day... but, public pressure caused Nike and Adidas to back-off... will public pressure alone be sufficient to moderate the behaviors of the Apple Computers of the world?. especially in the face of such indisputably high-quality products and financial performance.

... what the Apple article portends, taken to its logical conclusion, is an unrestricted hyper-competitive economic model... disturbing... and I am a Libertarian.

... in an economy 75% driven by consumer spending, it is a recipe for augering in... class warfare appears to be the rising political battlecry... and understandably.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:23 am on Feb. 17, 2012
Class warfare - what bullshit.

You all do know steve jobs was a capitalist! God bless him!

No liberal shit for him.....although publicy he had to pretend to be a liberal.
Jobs has figured out that doing the right thing for your customers, results in a very successful business-model.

Something the rest of America has not understood - which is why magnum's prediction "that Americans will (...) eventually recover their work ethics".

They won't.

*some* Americans have - they are part of the same company that magnum is so busy reviling.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:45 am on Feb. 17, 2012

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 5:45 pm on Feb. 17, 2012
some* Americans have - they are part of the same company that magnum is so busy reviling.

... do not be mistaken D-squared... I do NOT revile Jobs and Apple in the slightest... I do take pleasure in teasing his disciples about what a cult the man created... just remarkable marketing... the world class gold standard and a great case study for all who aspire to higher levels.

... but, I do understand how sensitive you might be with the bunch on this forum.

... Jobs and Apple did what the free-market capitalist system allows... I've no qualms.

... I do wonder if globalization hasn't catalyzed that system into a hyper-efficient machine whose ultimate evolution is one guy sitting at the top, pulling levers and making decisions for millions of subsistence workers, between which there is no one... I love that as an investor... but, not so much as a father and uncle.

... now, that extrapolation is a bit of a reach, but you get my point... for the free-market capitalist system to thrive, does it need a heathfully balanced society of middle-class consumers... or, does it become SO efficient that Chinese sweatshop draft animals can afford to buy iPad99's?

... Henry Ford was not known as a particularly nice guy, and was similarly driven as Jobs for productivity... but, he realized that he needed to reward his workers sufficiently that THEY could afford to buy the Model A they were manufacturing.

... Ford was building into an expanding economic demographic... Apple is building into a diminishing economic demographic.

... I wonder if this is really not such a threat at all, and will somehow right itself with the next breakthrough economic boom (space technology, green energy generation, nanotechnology, robotics, fuel cell technology, DNA synthesis, catching the 'God' particle in a bottle, or whatever)... but, if they adopt the Apple model, they too leave middle class America in the cold.

... any economists on the forum who might expound on this sinister Apple economic model as the future of free-market capitalism?... a Libertarian, I am rethinking this whole thing.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:25 am on Feb. 17, 2012
dirty guru

Quote: from magnum on 11:25 pm on Feb. 17, 2012
now, that extrapolation is a bit of a reach, but you get my point... for the free-market capitalist system to thrive, does it need a heathfully balanced society of middle-class consumers... or, does it become SO efficient that Chinese sweatshop draft animals can afford to buy iPad99's?

Good point -

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:35 pm on Feb. 17, 2012

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 5:45 pm on Feb. 17, 2012
Class warfare - what bullshit.

... until recent years, I never considered class warfare a real possibility in America... but, the economics have changed so dramatically over the last couple of decades.

... and the disparities are much more pronounced and apparent now.

... a sociologist might speak better to what happens to societies with wide-ranging class disparities, and no middle-class to stabilize it all, give hope to the lower class.

... I don't know D-squared... there is a lot of precedence for this... France 1786 is a pretty obvious example... the current Arab Spring... the threatening Thai Spring.

... and, no, D-squared... I am not putting this all on the Apple Messiah.

... as far as Americans returning to sensible values... you bet I believe they will... after enduring a modern day post-Depression period of suffering, the younger generation will rise above the failures of their parents... no different than their great grandparents.

... as for the Americans who created this deficit of values... well... I agree with you that many will continue to founder... look to Comrade Obama to take care of them... but, the cupboard is bare.

... look for the next generation to pick-up their slack.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:56 pm on Feb. 17, 2012
dirty guru
In a Major Protest in Greece - a worrying thing occurred that could never have happened 6 months or a year ago-

In a massive crowd of thousands - a hard core group of anarchists perhaps 200 - with faces masked and armed and Angry- moved to the front lines - and began battles of a violent kind with Riot police-

"While the crowd Cheered them on"

No longer were the protested disgusted at radicals that time has past-

In America - things have improved but not for many-

there is a sense of frustration and no hope-

A perception of Failure to deliver- and hardship-

The future may well see a situation where the youth take to the streets-

And attack-

The resentment towards the rich is increasing -

This idea Class warfare will never happen fails to take into account a widening gap -

And the powder Keg that is ignited by hardship and a sense of injustice-

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:18 am on Feb. 18, 2012

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