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My drink of choice is Coke Light. This is normally served in 95% of the bars in a can (with a few exceptions like cheap charlie bars where they would like to save a few baht (like toxic ) ).

A couple of weeks the waitress in Baccara said they changed the policy and Coke Light would be served as a glass only. I estimated this would save them 4-6 baht per serving (at 130 baht!).

I told her I would order Apple Juice instead (higher cost price)... it seems they changed the policy again to a can...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:12 am on Mar. 31, 2007
since we don't usually serve lightweights at TOXIC, we don't serve coke light either.


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:33 pm on Mar. 31, 2007
we don't serve coke light either
Hmmmm..... I did have it on a few occasions... and it came
out of a can... no can was given though and the second serving came out of the can... less tasty though.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:22 pm on Mar. 31, 2007
I had a most interesting experience in this bar last night. After doing a early short time from Rainbow 4, I went out for some serious drinking. I had to get up early for a flight to Krabi this morning, so wasn't expecting to fork out any more bar fines for the evening, just on a scouting mission for my 'ToDo' list for next week.

A week ago I acquired an authentic Panama Hat from a haberdashery on the US East Coast, through The hat cost about $85 US, including $25 for the 1 month shipping to Thailand. I once spent an entire afternoon on Orchard Road in Singapore (Siam Square as well), and couldn't locate one. Ideal for hot climates, light as a feather and the wind blows right through, yet very sytylish and fashionable.

The girls love it, and in every bar I enter a girl on stage asks to wear it, then dances over to the mirror to check out how she looks. Very cute. So, nothing out of the ordinary when I loaned it to a girl at Baccara last night, had loaned the hat to another girl in the same bar the previous night.

Bought another girl a drink, and wrenched my neck looking up at the ceiling (for Hailey's Comet, I guess). Then, when time to leave, I look around the bar and don't see my hat. I asked the girl I bought the drink, and was told 'she go outside'.

Paid my bill and stepped outside, but still no sign to the girl, or the hat. Now I'm starting to get really pissed-off, and tell my drinking girl that I wish to speak to the manager immediately. A portly, middle-aged Thai woman with a tatoo on her upper left shoulder appears and the girl informs her of the situation.

"Tourist Police?", I ask. The mamasan points to a girl at the end of the outside bar and says "She her friend, you go talk to her". Now the fire starts burning and smoke starts shooting out my ears, I can't remember when I've felt so angry, it's been many years. Clearly, it's the mamasan's responsibility to deal with this incident.

"You go talk to her, bitch. They're your girls. What kind of bar are you running here?", I scream at the top of my lungs, then place my hand in the middle of her back and push her in that direction.

The girls start to freak at the sight of me pushing the mamasan, "Oh, mamasan good", one sighs. Then two bouncers intervene, and one grabs my bicep to restrain me. However, by now I'm a real live wire and knock his arm away with my elbow. "Keep your f***ing hands off me", I yelled at him, and they both take a step back.

The girls were trying to pacify me, "Please sit down, have a drink", but I was having none of that. Standing with my arms crossed, leaning against the outdoor bar, I recall looking across the street and everyone was watching me, I must have caused quite a scene. A customer, curious about the commotion, stuck his head out and I told him that they stole my hat.

Again leaning against the bar, trying to contemplate what my next move would be, wondering if I would be to spending the night in jail for being so drunk and pissed-off. It's about 1:30 AM and some customers are still filtering in. I wonder if I should approach them and try to convince them to go elsewhere, but decide to be patient and try to regain my cool for a moment. Then, much to my suprise, a girl shows up with my hat after taking a mototaxi from the thiefs apartment. "Sorry, darlink", she apologizes. "OK, not your fault", and I continue on my way, but don't think I'll be returning to Baccara for a while.

And I still can't believe she took it home with her.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 12:13 am on June 21, 2007
And this surpises you how?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:16 am on June 21, 2007

Quote: from thaiaficionado on 2:07 pm on June 21, 2007

I certainly hope you aren't going to claim any expertise or familiarity with Thai culture, after you behaved that way -- oh, right, you did some 'serious drinking'...

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:13 am on June 21, 2007
I wouldn't like to get in trouble with these bouncers... they look very connected to the police to me.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:41 am on June 21, 2007

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 11:07 pm on June 21, 2007
I certainly hope you aren't going to claim any expertise or familiarity with Thai culture

Yea, because we all know they are thieving bastards – the whole lot of ‘em. Part of the culture to the core.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:53 am on June 21, 2007
WTF, Daffy? They can rip you off blind, I got my hat back. But must disagree with IBF, I think most Thai people are honest, hard-working, and honorable (also very poor). P4P is not representative of the culture, and I got my hat back because it was less hassle for them.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:34 pm on June 21, 2007

Quote: from thaiaficionado on 12:28 pm on June 22, 2007

WTF, Daffy? They can rip you off blind, I got my hat back.
It's not that they can steal you blind, but how you (apparently) totally lost your cool over - yes, granted, it got you your hat back, but you might have acted a bit more jai yen yen, and still achieved the same result - with less of a scene... Just my 2 satang.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:39 pm on June 21, 2007

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