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do these 'unform girls' just below 18 ? Worried they are underaged !!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:41 pm on Oct. 23, 2008
Joe Wood

Quote from the previous page.............

......................"If I as a punter go into Soi Cowboy and go home with an BG that works there, It is understood that she is of legal age. If I am in my usual druken state, I am not going to ask to see her id. Asking for her id, also irritates these girls......................"

And that, my Lord, is my entire defense.

What defense ?

Naive.......innocent......ignorant..........inebriated...but considerate...............and therefore inculpable.

What the f*** !
I'm sending you down for 10 years, mate. This is considered a serious crime here in Thailand and if committed by a foreigner, such as yourself, a truly young dumb-arse, even more serious. Bye.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 7:49 am on Nov. 2, 2008
I am over 50; so perhaps I have a different spin on this topic then many of you.

First of all: I have a problem with a girl under the age of 21. Now this number is arbitrary. It really does not matter if she is 20, or 22. What does matter to me is that I want the "lady" to be working of her own free will. I assume that a 16 or 17 year old is NOT working of her own free will (at least in most cases). In addition, at that age she might be "convinced" by friends or family to take up this job. A girl under 21 (or there about) should not be working in the sex industry. If you think differently, I respectfully suggest you see a therapist.

About 15 years ago on one of my first trips to BKK; I was having a drink in a bar, and a stunning, tall TG caught my eye. I was shy and did not approach her. About 1:00 AM she comes over to me and in perfect English, asks if she can sit down, and if I would buy her a drink. I agreed, and after a few minutes of nonsense conversation, she asked if she could spend the night with me. Her excuse was that it was quite late, and that she had to be in school the next day. Her home was quite a distance away...

I agreed and we went to my Hotel right around the corner. Again, I must say she was stunning. Very tall and just seemed to have aura of class about her.

She started to take off her clothes and I noticed that the brand of underwear was a "children’s" name (like 'Hello Kitty' or something). I immediately asked her, how old she was? She told me she was 16. I almost fell down. I had never seen a 16-year-old look like this. (Then again, if you look in many Fashion magazines, you will see that they dress up the mid teens to look like 20+).

I was so distraught that I had invited a 16 year old to my room. I asked her to get dressed, took her downstairs and had a HOTEL CAR at quite an expense take her home. I explained why I was sending her home and she seemed even at that age to understand.

Now I know that for many of you this story seems silly. You are of course entitled to your views, and to the repercussions that might follow. But, for me this one experience was enough to make sure that I watch their ages, both for moral and legal reasons.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:56 am on Nov. 2, 2008

Quote: from ItaliaThug on 1:43 am on Sep. 11, 2008

I am going to slightly disagree with the sentiment in this thread. If I as a punter go into Soi Cowboy and go home with an BG that works there, It is understood that she is of legal age. If I am in my usual druken state, I am not going to ask to see her id. Asking for her id, also irritates these girls.
It's fascinating how green behind the ears some guys who claim to be veterans / experienced actually are - I have you to see a bar I visit that doesn't have, at least, 1-2 underage girls 'working' there, dancing up on stage, leading me to believe that this is a rather common phenomenon, and thus caution is ALWAYS warranted.

Of course, most inebriated Troglodytes wouldn't care -- and that's a good thing, after all, as the police are generally underpaid in this country, and we need some folks to even out that economic imbalance.

Quote: from Joe Wood on 11:39 pm on Nov. 2, 2008

Naive.......innocent......ignorant..........inebriated...but considerate...............and therefore inculpable.
Actually, the short form would be 'drunk and not giving a shit', and you pretty much nailed it, Joe!

Quote: from Pegasus1 on 12:45 am on Nov. 3, 2008
She started to take off her clothes and I noticed that the brand of underwear was a "children’s" name (like 'Hello Kitty' or something)
I've had 26, 28, ad 31 year old girls with 'Hello Kitty' underwear, so that alone is not a red flag...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 12:30 pm on Nov. 2, 2008
I've had 26, 28, ad 31 year old girls with 'Hello Kitty' underwear, so that alone is not a red flag...

I take your advice. In my case, I just assumed (correctly) that she was underage. It just brought home to me a mindset, that some of these girls "might" be younger than the legal age.

In addition, I was taken aback that a 16 year old would be hanging out in a bar/club that seemed to cater to a more "mature" clientele.

I must admit that I was quite naive at this time. This was either my first or second trip to Asia, and I really had no guidance.

I was also appalled that I observed many foreigners bringing girls to their room that were definitely in their low teens.
Either way this is my opinion. There are surely enough women to go around... Therefore, I wonder why a "NORMAL" person would go for this. Do not mean to be judgmental, but now some 100 trips later, it still irks me when I see underage girls with grown men and no one seems to care.
I may be off base here on this kind of blog. So forgive me if I have hit a nerve! However, RIGHT is RIGHT

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:20 pm on Nov. 2, 2008

To my knowledge I have only taken one 16 year-old for the night. I did not find out until the second morning that she was only 16. The girl was tall and had a killer body and I would have wrongly guessed mid 20's at least. Sometimes it is extremely difficult to tell just how old the girls are especially after alcohol screws with your judgement. Turned out she was using her sisters ID who worked at the same bar and the two could have been twins. They really did look a LOT alike. Chances are even if I had checked her ID I would also have been fooled. Sometimes looks and the actual ID can be VERY difficult to judge.


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:33 pm on Nov. 2, 2008
Last Survivor:
I am not here to judge. By your response, I see that you would not willingly take an underage girl. I respect that! The girl also fooled me in my story. In fact I would not be surprised that if I lined up all the girls I was with, throughout the years in BKK; some would also fall into the "below age group" I mentioned. What bothers me; are those guys who "INTENTIONALLY" go after these girls. This to me is disgusting. There are literally thousands of young beautiful sexy girls throughout Thailand. Why sleep with a girl who is a CHILD. Yes a child. No other way to call it.
In any case, your point in checking ID is correct. We just have to be careful.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:53 pm on Nov. 2, 2008
I am 19 years older than my daughter and she was mistaken for my (then) wife numerous times in her later teenage years.

Her girlfriends certainly made nice eye candy when they would come around for a swim in the pool - but heck, they were just kids. (Who would all be pushing 30 now the way I am pushing 50)

Drinking at a crowded bar in the central city area one Friday night a dozen or so years ago I found one of her main girlfriends (later to be one of her bridesmaids) there, and well intoxicated.

I dragged her out of there and drove her home (she lived about 500m from our home). She made me what some would call "an offer you couldn't refuse" once I got her to her house - except that I refused it easily, I even got a little bit angry, she was a pretty young girl what the hell was she doing playing "town bike" at that bar for etc etc.

It all ended with her crying and me doing the "there there" thing as I have a thousand times with my own daughter. I drove away thinking what kind of guy would have accepted her offer - She was drunk, she was vulnerable, she was a child - I couldn't have lived with myself if I had - I knew then whoever that guy was I was NOT that guy.

Five years later and I am laying in a bed in Soi 8 with a young bar girl - 19 or 20 - the youngest most physically attractive girl I have ever barfined - when I realized I was now that guy after all - sure the circumstances were completely different, anyone in the world could see that - except me. So I sent the girl away, gave her taxi money and the agreed payment (her shortest LT still I'm betting).

After that night I always looked for a certain spark, a sense of humour and an age group of 25 years and up for my girls.

I have Mrs. Minder now and my mongering days are mostly fading memories but Pegasus1 brought that memory back. Yeah Right is Right. Enjoy.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:42 pm on Nov. 2, 2008
What a story! You sound like a great guy who knows were to draw the line. Again, I want to emphasize that I for one have no right to judge. I can only offer my “opinion” and feelings on the matter. However, I am amazed that many guys, who in their own hometown would never sleep with a teenager, somehow in Asia think it is OK.

Maybe some of the guys have dehumanized these kids and think that in Asia this is NORMAL behavior? I for one do not have the audacity to judge. I am also one who enjoys the Thai Nightlife; but who has set some basic rules.

As Minder has mentioned: We get on in years, and have children who are this age or older. One day it hits us that the girl we have just bar fined could be 16 or 17. I think that most of the time the alcohol ‘ages our view’ of the girls. We rationalize that it is Ok. However, deep down inside we know better.

I brought this up because I myself have developed “guilt feelings” over time. I have set a rule that the girl must be a “willing participant”. This I rationalized again could only be in the 20 year+ range. In a way, this makes no sense; but allows me to enjoy the nightlife scene without feeling guilty.

Ok! The bottom line is: I have set my own standard and rules. Many people would argue that Im full of s**t. That I have arbitrarily set an age, so that I can enjoy the company of a bargirl. Let it be. Nevertheless, I could never live with myself knowing that I contributed to supporting a mid-teenager in a career that she was bamboozled into by a disgraceful family member, or an older friend who needs company.

I am open to criticism, or critique. Let me have it if anyone disagrees.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:47 pm on Nov. 2, 2008

Quote: from Minder on 8:32 am on Nov. 3, 2008

I drove away thinking what kind of guy would have accepted her offer - She was drunk, she was vulnerable, she was a child
That would be ItaliaThug, I'd wager --- of course, that's just the alcohol talking... (glib)

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:53 pm on Nov. 2, 2008

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