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Just as DD said. I personally don't condone doing anything illegal, but IT IS nice to have that option if it is available.

In many countries around the world people know who is right or wrong in a situation, pay money to the victim, and the issue is settled right there. There is no HUGE Bureaucratic system that just makes lawyers rich.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:54 am on Oct. 19, 2006
But here in Thailand it is rarely about who is right or who is wrong, and more about who has the ability to pay and who does not. Those that can pay do (fault or no-fault), those that cannot pay are stuck holding the bag (fault or no-fault). And those making money are rarely the victim - more often than not the only peole getting paid are those with political power, and not those that have suffered thru being wronged.

While I am not big fan of bureaucratic systems there is something to be said for having some kind of checks and balances.

Either way I say f*** the lawyers.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:06 am on Oct. 19, 2006

Quote: from IBFarang on 3:24 pm on Oct. 19, 2006
Either way I say f*** the lawyers.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:29 am on Oct. 19, 2006
China Sailor
I beleive that Shakespere said "Kill the lawyers..." but what did he know, if y'all like f***ing them all the more power to you.

Back to closing times, is NANA still on the hook for early closings or has it loosened up there?

BTW: Speaking of f***ing a lawyer my current hook-up in HK is a lawyer, I hope to f*** her soon...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 6:57 am on Oct. 19, 2006
I am sure all closing hours sensitive people remember purachai, our blessed ex-interior minister,
"social order" campaign?
well thats him, and he is back from exile in new zealand, contributing to the draft of the new constitution, and other staff, zoning? the owners on sukhumvit are shivering again.
lawyers or not, 19th of september reminded us that "power come out of a rifle" (mao tse tung)

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:53 am on Jan. 21, 2007
Dickin Situ
I had the questionable but in retrospect doubtless pleasure of being in the company of an experienced forum brother last night as the ladies were flocking round him, stroking every part of his covered body, getting into openings and trying to slide their tongues down his throat as I sat like a discarded lemon one barstool along.

We were in Gunslinger's Alley and by the time had struck, he had chosen his lucky lady of the night : 19 year old on her first night in the bar who was being coaxed and advised and assisted by a bevy of beauties in a bar not dissimilar to Madam Butterfly's.

He went off with his chosen piece to talk about philosophy, cake and ice cream and few dollops of syrup and I crossed to the other side of the Cattle Ranchers' Cat Walk to the Lion Cub's Bar and that was still rocking bare-pussied when I left at 3:30 a.m., so things are, as I was, looking up on that front.

We are talking about closing times here, aren't we ?

Personally, I think the opening and closing times of bars and night-life entertainment venues should be the same everywhere throughout the country. 10 p.m. !

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:01 am on May 12, 2007
Tyler Durdin
So what's the latest on closing times at NEP & Cowboy? What time do the outside lights go off and what time do they really close now?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:27 pm on May 26, 2009

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